Aviation Academy

INAIR 2015

The INAIR conference is a forum in which Industry and Academia meet to exchange ideas and set up common challenges. The interaction between researchers and industry representatives is key in order to come up with innovative solutions for the challenges of the future. INAIR 2015 will be hosted by the Aviation Academy of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences on 12th and 13th of November.

Air Transport is nowadays mainly covered in topics like airport planning (infrastructure development); the criteria of success are defined in terms of number of runways, apron stands, terminal facilities etc. Airport capacity shortage requires optimal usage of existing infrastructure. The impact of climate change and resource shortage increases the complexity. Aviation has to optimise its overall capacity usage within even tighter constraints. Resilience of the aviation system is becoming a big issue; reliability of schedules and procedures for all stakeholders involved (including passengers and local communities in the airports neighbourhood) is at stake. Disturbances due to severe weather, technical issues etc. might cause huge delays and costs. Solving these challenges require a mind shift towards changing and optimising processes, innovation in infrastructure usage, logistics and cooperation between partners.

13 March 2018