Amsterdam School of International Business

Payment by your employer

If your employer is paying the tuition fees, the employer will often want an invoice made out in the name of the company. Please request an invoice via the Digital Service Point . The deadline for the payment of 1 September also applies to your employer. You yourself are responsible for a timely payment by your employer. Any notifications to settle your payment will be sent to you, not to your employer.

Your employer can pay your tuition fees as follows:

The AUAS is my employer

1. Request an invoice for the tuition fees via the Digital Service Point.
2. Request an advance payment for your tuition fees in DSPE. Go to Self-service > Expenses and advances.
3. Enter 'Advance for study costs and study programme' after 'Description' and enter your department’s cost centre (ask your supervisor if you don't know).
4. The advance payment will be paid into your bank account within 10 working days.
5. Transfer the advance payment before 1 September to bank account number NL76DEUT0428955428 which is a Deutsche Bank account, under the name of Stichting Hogeschool van Amsterdam in Amsterdam.
In the bank transfer, be sure to include your student number and surname. Only with this information will the AUAS be able to process your payment.
6. After you've received the invoice, settle the advance payment in DSPE. Go to Self-service > Settle advance payment. Attach the invoice and the proof of payment.

Published by  Administration Centre 3 August 2020