Amsterdam School of International Business
Dick van Damme was awarded his PhD in Distribution Logistics & Financial Information at Eindhoven University of Technology, and has been a Professor of Mainport Logistics since 2003. Van Damme worked as Professor of International Distribution Logistics at Eindhoven University of Technology until 2001. He studied (organisational) Psychology and Pedagogy (Educational Sciences) at Leiden University. He participated in the postgraduate course Managing Integral Goods Flow Control at the Logistics Management Association (vLm).
- Kennisagenda verduurzaming bedrijventerreinen
- Op weg naar duurzaam goederentransport (Greening Corridors)
- Towards the sustainable transport of goods (Greening Corridors)
- Ontketen de korte keten voor catering
- Voldoen aan een groeiende elektriciteitsvraag (Zero Emission Infrastructuur)
- Meer goederenvervoer via binnenvaart en spoor (Noord West Connect Joint Corridors)