Amsterdam School of International Business

Lisa: A voice for international students and the AMSIB community


Recently elected CMR representative Lisa Ubachs is on a mission to give AMSIB and international students a much-needed voice within the AUAS.

“I’m honoured to be the representative for international students, and to be able to take part in the decision-making process.”

Lisa Ubachs - Student Amsterdam School of International Business (AMSIB)

The Centrale Medezeggenschapsraad (CMR), or roughly translated: the Central Representative Advisory Board, is a council equally composed of both student and staff representatives from the various faculties of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS). Third year IBL student Lisa Ubachs, was recently elected as a representative for both the CMR council, and a representative for a separate council within the faculty of Business and Economics (FBE).

Within the CMR, Lisa represents the interests of all FBE students; however, she is particularly interested in giving a voice to a group she feels has previously been under represented, international students. Lisa takes part in regular meetings with both the CMR and FBE councils, in which she is afforded the opportunity to vote on school-related issues and initiatives put forth by AUAS management. In these meetings, Lisa and fellow student representatives can actively discuss and debate student interests and other issues with the CMR staff representatives, and with faculty of Business and Economics dean Mr. Willem Baumfalk and AUAS rector Mr. Huib de Jong.

By participating in these councils, Lisa is able to provide valuable input and insight into the interests of the student body, especially those of the Amsterdam School of International Business (AMSIB) and international students. One very evident example of a successful initiative supported by previous representatives of the CMR is the improvement of the library, canteen, and study areas at the Fraijlemaborg campus.

Despite the important role the CMR and its representatives play in the institution-wide decision-making process, few students seem to be aware of this council and its activities. Therefore, Lisa’s goal is not only to represent the interests of AMSIB and international students, but also to inform all students about the importance of the CMR.