AUAS Library

(Dis)claiming Items in Pure

If you expect a publication to be present in Pure, but it is not yet listed in your publication list, you can search for it by clicking the red cross before ‘My content’. You now have access to all content in Pure and can perform a search.
If you wish to add the publication to your own list, click the gear wheel and then ‘Claim content’.
Please, use the text field to add a short motivation. As soon as the Library has added your name to the author field of the publication, you will be notified and the publication will be shown in your list.

Disclaiming items

If there are publications in your list that are not related to you, click the gear wheel and select ‘Disclaim content’. Please, use the text field to give a short motivation. As soon as the Library has removed your name from the author field, you will be notified and the publication will no longer be shown in your list.

The same goes for duplicate listings.

Published by  HvA Library 30 June 2020