WHO Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe

A framework for policy makers, educational and health authorities and specialists

The “Standards for Sexuality Education” introduce the concept of holistic sexuality education and offer a concrete overview that shows which topics sexuality education in European countries should entail, ordered according to age groups.

They are meant to serve as a guideline for the introduction of a holistic sexuality education. They provide practical support and guidance for the elaboration of suitable curricula whilst also furnishing the arguments and rationale for the introduction of such a holistic sexuality education in each country. The Standards are based on a positive interpretation of sexuality which is regarded as a natural part of human development and a central aspect of human being throughout life. http://www.bzga-whocc.de/en/publications/standards-in-sexuality-education/



Table of contents:

Part 1: Introduction

  1. Background and purpose
  2. Sexuality, sexual health and sexuality education – definitions and concepts
  3. Rationale for sexuality education
  4. Principles and outcomes of sexuality education
  5. Target groups and partners in sexuality education
  6. How to deliver sexuality education – general framework and basic requirements

Part 2: Sexuality education matrix

  1. Introduction to the matrix
  2. The matrix


  1. References
  2. Scientific literature on psycho-sexual development of children
  3. Curriculums and educational books
  4. Websites



Target group:

Policy makers, Professionals, Lecturers




WHO Regional Office for Europe (World Health Organization) and BZgA Germany (Federal Centre for Health Education / Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung).


WHO Regional Office for Europe (World Health Organization) and BZgA Germany (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung).

Year of publication:


Published by  Safe 29 April 2020