Centre of Expertise Urban Vitality

A method to identify talent: Visual search and locomotion behavior in young football players


The present study examined differences in visual search and locomotor behavior among a group of skilled 10–12 year-old football players. The participants watched video clips of a 4-to-4 position game, presented on a large screen. The participants were asked to take part in the game by choosing the best position for the reception of the ball passed by one of the players in the clip. Participants’ visual search and locomotor behavior were collected continuously throughout the presentation of the clip. A within-group comparison was made based upon the participants’ interception score, i.e., more at the correct position. The findings show that the high-score group looked more to the ball area, while the players in the low-score group concentrated on the receiving player and on the hips/upper-body region of the passing player. The players in the high-score group covered a significantly greater distance compared to the low-score group. It was concluded that differences in visual search and locomotion behavior can be used as indicators for identifying talented junior football players.

Reference Savelsbergh, G. J. P., H.A. Haans, S., K. Kooijman, M., & M. van Kampen, P. (2010). A method to identify talent: Visual search and locomotion behavior in young football players. Human Movement Science, 29(5), 764-776. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.humov.2010.05.003
Published by  Urban Vitality 1 October 2010

Publication date

Oct 2010


Geert J.P. Savelsbergh
Sascha H.A. Haans
Margit K. Kooijman
Paulien M. van Kampen

Research database