Centre for Applied Research in Education
Dr. S. Abrantes Garcez Palha (Sonia)
What do teachers anticipate from education in game-based pedagogy?
Palha, S., & Matić, L. J. (2025). What do teachers anticipate from education in game-based pedagogy? Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1080/1475939X.2025.2454453
A framework to investigate teachers competences in game-based learning
Abrantes Garcêz Palha, S., & Matić, L. J. (2025). A framework to investigate teachers competences in game-based learning. In A. Cusi, A. Maffia, S. Palha, & A.-M. Vogler (Eds.), GAME (Game-based and playful Approaches to Mathematics Education): Proceedings of the 18th ERME Topic Conference (ETC18)
Bridging game design and playful mathematics learning: the case of Function Dungeon and Fractions Lab.
Geraniou, E., Mavrikis, M., & Palha, S. (Accepted/In press). Bridging game design and playful mathematics learning: the case of Function Dungeon and Fractions Lab.. Paper presented at Game-based and playful Approaches to Mathematics Education (GAME): 18th ERME Topic Conference, Rome, Italy.
Engaging Children in Math: Game-Based and Playful Approaches to Learning
Matić, L. J., & Palha, S. (Eds.) (2025). Engaging Children in Math: Game-Based and Playful Approaches to Learning. (Special Issue). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI).
Dance and Mathematics: a Technological Marriage to Approach Functions in Secondary Education
Ghersi, A., Monformoso, L., Abrantes Garcêz Palha, S., & Robutti, O. (2024). Dance and Mathematics: a Technological Marriage to Approach Functions in Secondary Education. Abstract from World Alliance for Arts Education Summit (WAAE Summit), Athenes, Greece.
Dancing with Mathematics: an interdisciplinary educational approach for embodied learning with motion-capture technologies
Karavakou, M., Kynigos, C., Palha, S., Robutti, O., Soldano, C., Bagossi, S., & Hornsby, D. (2024). Dancing with Mathematics: an interdisciplinary educational approach for embodied learning with motion-capture technologies: Arts, Nature, Technology, Education: Harmony and Unit. Abstract from World Alliance for Arts Education Summit (WAAE Summit), Athenes, Greece.
Game-based Pedagogy in Teacher Training: Results of a Pilot Course
Palha, S., Bouwer, A. J., Webb, K. E., van Smaalen, D., & Agterberg, D. A. (2024). Game-based Pedagogy in Teacher Training: Results of a Pilot Course. Paper presented at 18th European Conference on Games Based Learning, Aarhus, Denmark.
Outputs Comenius Game Based Pedagogy In Teacher Education - website NRO
Palha, S. (2024). Outputs Comenius Game Based Pedagogy In Teacher Education - website NRO. Web publication or website https://www.nwo.nl/en/projects/40522865176
Predisposition of In-Service Teachers to Use Game-Based Pedagogy
Palha, S., & Matić, L. J. (2023). Predisposition of In-Service Teachers to Use Game-Based Pedagogy. The Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 21(4), 286-298. https://doi.org/10.34190/ejel.21.4.3135
Fostering joyful practice with digital educational games: the Function Dungeon game
Abrantes Garcêz Palha, S., Bouwer, A. J., van Smaalen, D., & Hooijschuur, K. (2023). Fostering joyful practice with digital educational games: the Function Dungeon game. Paper presented at 16th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching (ICTMT 16), Athene, Greece.
Integrating digital games in the classroom: a case study with game Probchallenge
Matić, L. J., & Abrantes Garcêz Palha, S. (2023). Integrating digital games in the classroom: a case study with game Probchallenge. Paper presented at 16th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching (ICTMT 16), Athene, Greece.
The design of a digital game to reduce math anxiety in the classroom
Imanuel, L., Abrantes Garcêz Palha, S., & Bouwer, A. J. (2023). The design of a digital game to reduce math anxiety in the classroom. In P. Drijvers, C. Csapodi, H. Palmér, K. Gosztonyi, & E. Kónya (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13) (pp. 2957 –2964). Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics and ERME. https://hal.umontpellier.fr/hal-04430809
Game based pedagogy in teacher education
Abrantes Garcêz Palha, S. (2023). Game based pedagogy in teacher education. Poster session presented at Onderwijs meets Onderzoek, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Game-Based Pedagogy in teacher education
Palha, S., & Bouwer, A. (2022). Game-Based Pedagogy in teacher education. Paper presented at UNLOCK online Conference.
Game-based learning in mathematics
Abrantes Garcêz Palha, S., Akin, E., Bouwer, A. J., van Smaalen, D., & Claassen, S. G. (2022). Game-based learning in mathematics: The GAMMA project. Poster session presented at Onderwijs meets Onderzoek, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Eliciting students’ thinking about change: filling a vase in a computer application
Palha, S., & van Smaalen, D. (2020). Eliciting students’ thinking about change: filling a vase in a computer application. In A. Donevska-Todorova, & E. Faggiano (Eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth ERME Topic Conference (ETC 10) on Mathematics Education in the Digital Age (MEDA) (pp. 271). Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02932218
Self-construction and interactive simulations to support the learning of drawing graphs and reasoning in mathematics
Palha, S., Bouwer, A., Bredeweg, B., & Keulen, S. (2020). Self-construction and interactive simulations to support the learning of drawing graphs and reasoning in mathematics. In V. Kumar, & C. Troussas (Eds.), Intelligent Tutoring Systems - 16th International Conference, ITS 2020, Proceedings (pp. 364-370). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 12149 LNCS). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-49663-0_43
Reinvenção do ensino a distância: a inovação ao ritmo de cada professor
Rocha, H., Oitavem, I., Viseu, F., & Palha, S. (2020). Reinvenção do ensino a distância: a inovação ao ritmo de cada professor. Revista Educacao e Matematica, 155, 16-20. https://run.unl.pt/bitstream/10362/117276/1/EnsinodistanciaHRIOFVSP.pdf
Digitally increasing the qualitative understanding of the derivative
van der Hoek, G., & Palha, S. (2020). Digitally increasing the qualitative understanding of the derivative. In Digitally increasing the qualitative understanding of the derivative (pp. 357-358). ATEE (Association for Teacher Education) & CIEd (Research Centre on Education - UID/CED/01661/2019) Institute of Education, University of Minho. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02932218
The integral as accumulation function approach: A proposal of a learning sequence for collaborative reasoning
Palha, S., & Spandaw, J. (2019). The integral as accumulation function approach: A proposal of a learning sequence for collaborative reasoning. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 7(3), 109-136. https://doi.org/10.30935/scimath/9538
Effects of task structure and group composition on elaboration and metacognitive activities of high-ability students during collaborative learning
Schuitema, J., Palha, S., van Boxtel, C., & Peetsma, T. (2019). Effects of task structure and group composition on elaboration and metacognitive activities of high-ability students during collaborative learning. Pedagogische Studiën, 96(2), 136-151. http://pedagogischestudien.nl/search?identifier=691194
Interactive Virtual Math
Palha, S. (2019). Interactive Virtual Math. Web publication or website, Kohnstamm Instituut. https://app.dwo.nl/ivm/start/
Student teachers' needs and preferences for a technology preparation course
Palha, S. (2019). Student teachers' needs and preferences for a technology preparation course. In L. Leite, E. Oldham, L. Carvalho, A. S. Afonso, F. Viseu, L. G. Pereira Dourado, & M. H. Martinho (Eds.), Science and mathematics education in the 21st century: ATEE WINTER CONFERENCE 2019 : proceedings (pp. 72-81). ATEE.
Summerschool praktijkonderzoek master wiskunde
Abrantes Garcêz Palha, S., van Smaalen, D., Reumerman, R., & Kubbe, L. (2019). Summerschool praktijkonderzoek master wiskunde: Design en evaluatie van het Summerschool programma voor praktijkonderzoek van de masteropleiding leraar wiskunde 2015-2017. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Kenniscentrum Onderwijs en Opvoeding.
Why digital tools may (not) help by learning about graphs in dynamics events?
Palha, S. (2019). Why digital tools may (not) help by learning about graphs in dynamics events? In U. T. Jankvist, M. van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, & M. Veldhuis (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 2900-2907). Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University.
Interactive Virtual Math: Een digitale tool om context-grafieken te leren in de klas
Palha, S., & Vosbergen, J. (2018). Interactive Virtual Math: Een digitale tool om context-grafieken te leren in de klas. Poster session presented at Onderwijs meets onderzoek, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Learning student-teachers to orchestrate a classroom discussion for reasoning
Abrantes Garcêz Palha, S., & van Smaalen, D. (2018). Learning student-teachers to orchestrate a classroom discussion for reasoning. Paper presented at EARLI SIG 26 Argumentation, Dialogue and Reasoning, Jerusalem, Israel.
Designing a digital tool for reasoning with covariation graphs: didactical considerations and classroom experience
Abrantes Garcêz Palha, S. (2018). Designing a digital tool for reasoning with covariation graphs: didactical considerations and classroom experience. Paper presented at 7th Conference on Digital Tools in
Mathematics Education (CADGME ), Coimbra, Portugal. https://www.uc.pt/en/congressos/cadgme2018/webProceedings -
Interactive Virtual Math 2.0
Palha, S. (2018). Interactive Virtual Math 2.0. Software, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Kenniscentrum Onderwijs en Opvoeding. https://app.dwo.nl/ivm/?locale=nl&profile=103&hash=%23s%3A587447#s:587447
Proposição de tarefas com TDIC em aulas de Cálculo
Trevisan, A. L., dos Santos da Fonseca, M. O., & Palha, S. (2018). Proposição de tarefas com TDIC em aulas de Cálculo. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 18(58), 713-738. https://doi.org/10.7213/1981-416X.18.058.DS06
Gezamenlijk redeneren en het valideren van wiskundige ideeën
Palha, S. (2017). Gezamenlijk redeneren en het valideren van wiskundige ideeën: een case studie. Paper presented at Onderwijs research dagen 2017, Antwerpen, Belgium.
Interactive virtual math
Palha, S., & Koopman, S. (2017). Interactive virtual math: a tool to support self-construction graphs by dynamical relations. In Proceedings of the 10th Congress of European Research on Mathematics Education (CERME 10) https://keynote.conference-services.net/resources/444/5118/pdf/CERME10_0598.pdf
Kritisch omgaan met informatie
Abrantes Garcêz Palha, S., & Van Galen, F. (2017). Kritisch omgaan met informatie. In G. Bruin-Muurling, D. van Eerde, F. van Galen, K. Gravemeijer, R. Keijzer, & I. van Stiphout (Eds.), Statistiek voor morgen Werkgroep Wiskunde voor Morgen. http://www.rekenenwiskunde21.nl/uploads/artikelen/levitinartikel3.pdf
Learning with Interactive Virtual Math in the classroom
Palha, S., & Koopman, S. (2017). Learning with Interactive Virtual Math in the classroom. Poster session presented at ICMT13 (13th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching), Lyon, France.
Learning with Interactive Virtual Math in the Classroom
Palha, S., & Koopman, S. (2017). Learning with Interactive Virtual Math in the Classroom. In G. Aldon, & J. Trgalová (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching, France (pp. 449-452). CCSD (The Center for Direct Scientific Communication).
Leren met Interactive Virtual Math in de klas
Abrantes Garcêz Palha, S., & Koopman, S. A. H. (2017). Leren met Interactive Virtual Math in de klas. In G. Aldon, & J. Trgalová (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching: ICTMT 13 (pp. 449-452). Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon .
O uso da tecnologia na Holanda
Palha, S. (2017). O uso da tecnologia na Holanda: um impulso através dos novos programas? Revista Educacao e Matematica, 143, 43-47.
Students learning with Interactive Virtual Math
Palha, S. (2017). Students learning with Interactive Virtual Math: an exploratory study in the classroom. Ensino e Tecnologia em Revista, 1(1), p.80-102. https://periodicos.utfpr.edu.br/etr/article/view/5990/4415
Interactive virtual math
Abrantes Garcêz Palha, S. (2016). Interactive virtual math. Digital or Visual Products https://www.hva.nl/kc-onderwijs-opvoeding/gedeelde-content/projecten/projecten-algemeen/interactive-virtual-math.html
Wiskundeonderwijs voor de toekomst
Buijs, K., Palha, S., & Zwaneveld, B. (2016). Wiskundeonderwijs voor de toekomst: naar een repertoire van instructievormen. Euclides, 91(7), 18-22.