Hanneke Velthuijsen is 2023 Lecturer of the Year

8 Jun 2023 18:31 | Communication

Educational Theory lecturer Hanneke Velthuijsen has been elected 2023 AUAS Lecturer of the Year. Her win was announced during the presentation ceremony in FLOOR on the evening of Thursday 8 June.

The presentation

This was the second year that the cultural centre FLOOR hosted the presentation ceremony. Because our special lecturers deserve a special evening, we went all out with a ‘gala glam’ theme. All guests were dressed to the nines and walked the red carpet as they arrived. Next, the nominated lecturers were introduced to the audience. Former winner Nehemia Aipassa recounted what it was like for him to be among the top three in the 2022 Lecturer of the Year election. AUAS’ most active student (AUAS Student of the Year/Students that Matter staff member/CMR award winner) Amjad Almatni stressed the difference that lecturers can make in students’ lives. Things then moved on to the main event: the announcement of the top three. Like every year, the three winners received a sum of money to use in their teaching activities.

Third and second place

The third and second place winners were announced first. Third place went to Daniel Kiikka, of the Faculty of Sports and Nutrition. His passion for his subject and his ability to enthuse students make him a worthy winner. As the jury report put it: ‘You have outstanding non-verbal communication skills and interact with your students well.’
Second place went to John Temmen, of the Faculty of Technology. According to the jury, he has a great sense of humour and knows how to best use it in his teaching. He is also capable of explaining complicated topics in simple terms and radiates calm.

First place

Ultimately, however, there could only be one overall winner. As per the jury report, she exudes Passion with a capital P. She motivates and supports students while making everyone feel at ease in class. And that is why Educational Theory lecturer Hanneke Velthuijsen is the AUAS Lecturer of the Year 2023!

A student who nominated her told us: ‘Never before have I come across a lecturer who is so interested and dedicated. Hanneke found out that I was struggling to hear lectures in spite of my hearing aid. She felt it was important that education was as accessible to me as it is to others. For her next lecture, she went as far as to start it in sign language! Moreover, she’s always available and willing to help students and ensures a friendly and trusting atmosphere in class.’

About the 2023 Lecturer of the Year election

After 13 years, it was time to overhaul the Lecturer of the Year election. Starting this year, the election will feature a nomination procedure focused on testimonials rather than the ballot of previous years. This way, all lecturers will have an equal chance of being crowned Lecturer of the Year.
In April, students used the video columns on campus to record testimonial videos to nominate the lecturers of their choice. Being a lecturer requires your full attention, so the Lecturer of the Year election deserves everyone’s full attention as well.