Getting started

AMSIB - International Business full-time

Getting started

Welcome to the AUAS! This page provides all the practical information you need to start the academic year off strong.

Finalise your enrolment

  • Have you already paid your tuition fees and taken all the steps necessary to finalise your enrolment? Check your Enrolment Checklist to see if you missed anything.
  • You need to complete all the steps before you can start your degree programme in September.
  • Your enrolment is official when you receive a notification of Proof of Enrolment, which will be sent to your email address.

AUAS ID and password

  • After enrolling at AUAS, you will receive a welcome email containing your AUAS ID (username).
  • With your AUAS ID and password, you have access to AUAS's websites, systems, apps and computers.
  • At you can activate your AUAS ID. If you have forgotten your password or want to change it, go also to this page.
  • Please keep in mind that when your private email address is mentioned, this is the address you are registered with in Studielink.
  • More information about activating your AUAS ID and changing or resetting your password.

Student ID card

You can use your student ID card to:

Please note: if you don’t live in the Netherlands, your student ID card will not be sent to your home address. It will be ready for you to collect from one of the AUAS service points.

Introduction days

The AMSIB introduction week will take place in the week of 26th of August at the AMSIB campus. Below you can find the programme. It is an important week to participate in, save the dates. The Introduction week is designed to get new students acquainted with AMSIB and its policies, platforms and procedures. During that week, the students do get the chance to meet their mentors and classmates as well. It is important that you are allocated to a class before the introduction days, please read the section about the class allocation carefully.

For more detailed information and regular updates on the AMSIB introduction programme kindly visit Welcome - welcometoamsib (

  • Monday 26th of August: Social meet up with snacks and drinks in the park activity organised by the AMSIB Student Society ACE

  • Tuesday 27th of August: Mandatory Orientation Day 1 on Campus

  • Wednesday 28th of August: Social activity organised by the AMSIB Student Society ACE

  • Thursday 29th of August: Mandatory Orientation Day 2 on Campus

If you have any questions about the introduction, please contact the introduction team via

AUAS introduction 2024

  • Would you like to know what the AUAS has to offer besides your degree programme? Join the AUAS Introduction on Thursday 29 August.
  • Get to know the AUAS and get a taste of student life in Amsterdam, our student platforms, facilities and more!


Book list

Every course has a detailed description of the course material and the books you need to purchase in the course catalogue. The course catalogue is published on July 1 and can be accessed via

Download here the International Business - Full-time - Booklist Y1 2024-2025

In addition, you need to have a laptop. Not a specific type or brand, but you need to be able to connect to the internet and make use of the software listed under the software section below. The classrooms have facilities to charge your laptop, however not enough for every student in the classroom. This means you need a laptop with a decent battery life and make sure it is charged before you come to class.

In case you need to present in class you need to be able to hook up your laptop to the larger screen in the room. All screens in the rooms at the Business Campus are outfitted with HDMI and USB-C cables.

Two-step verification

  • Two-step verification is an extra security measure when logging into AUAS systems and apps. With the Microsoft Authenticator-app a verification code is sent to your mobile device to complete the login process. Two-step verification provides an additional check that helps ascertain the identity of the person logging in with a greater degree of certainty.

  • You will need two-step verification for example with your mail, Brightspace and all the Microsoft 365-apps.

  • You only need to set up two-step verification once. For instructions, go to Two-step verification - Hogeschool van Amsterdam (


At AUAS, you can use various software for your studies free of charge.


  • You can find you AUAS mail at Open the menu and click on the email icon. Keep in mind that you will need two-step verification to log in to you email.
  • When you start studying at AUAS your AUAS email is automatically forwarded to your personal email address. We recommend that you deactivate this forwarding service when your enrolment at AUAS is finalised, because we cannot guarantee that all AUAS emails will be forwarded. You can do this at – clear the information in the field Forwarding email address.
  • More information about your email and how to receive it on your mobile phone.



Brightspace is the core of the digital learning environment of the AUAS where you can find the weekly lesson plan, digital course materials, and information about exams. Brightspace is also the place where your lecturer will post messages and the place where you submit your assignments.

You need to add your courses in Brightspace yourself via the course selector. You will receive an overview of the courses you need to add in the email with your class allocation.

Brightspace can be accessed via More information about Brightspace can be found on the A-Z list for students.

Class allocation

All new students of the IB full-time programme can select a class per August 1, 9:00 hrs via Academy Attendance ( This way you can select a class with a specific lesson-free day and you can choose to be in the same class as someone you may already know. You need to select a class yourself before August 23. If you do not select a class before Friday, the coordination team will assign you to a class.

You will receive your final class allocation no later than August 23. If you have not received your class allocation by then, please reach out to the AMSIB coordination team via

It is important that you have a class so you know where to go during the mandatory orientation day on-campus on Tuesday August 27!


  • Once you have your class allocation, you will be able to check your timetable at It does not automatically show your schedule: You need to add your class by clicking the ‘+add timetable’ button. Under academic year 2024-2025, click ‘group’ and search for your class to add it to the timetable.
  • Your timetable is available two weeks prior to the start of the academic year: It will be published on August 19.
  • You can link your timetable to calendar applications such as Outlook, Google Calendar, iCalendar or the calendar application on your mobile phone.
  • Check out the AUAS academic calendar to find out how the academic year is structured and when the holiday periods are scheduled.

Course catalogue


  • Every day starts at
  • You can log in with your AUAS ID and password.
  • You will find quick access to the most important information here, such as your timetable, latest results, announcements and news.
  • MyAUAS is your portal to essential information, such as the A-Z list, your programme page, the library, contact info for your lecturers and direct links to other applications such as SIS and Brightspace.


Student Counsellors

If you need information, advice or guidance regarding your study career or personal circumstances you can reach out to the student counsellors. This applies to students with special needs in particular. See below to find more information about this service."

Published by  Communication 23 July 2024