Aviation Academy

(Alumni) HUB magazines

4 Results

In October 2020, we developed the 1st Aviation Academy Alumni magazine out of necessity, to stay connected after our Walk-through Graduation Ceremony. A graduation that was so unique that we had to do everything in our power to make sure our Alumni would leave with warm feelings/goodbye. A magazine in which they could read various articles about what being an Alumnus entails, students looking ahead to their Alumni time or Alumni looking back at their education. In short: fun!
When we saw that it was a nice way to write down how many cool things we do, we decided to make version 2 as well. Thus, a magazine that had already been created, but with a facelift. This time only published online in the context of sustainability and higher reach.
After half a year, we had to do another Walk Through Graduation Ceremony and so version 3 was created.
And now we are at the beginning of a new year, 2022, and we think our articles are not only suitable for Alumni, but for all our target groups: Students, Professionals, Partners, Alumni, Colleagues and any other target group you can think of.
So from 2022 and onwards you are reading the HUB: Aviation Academy Magazine!