Examinations and exam resits
You can find all information on examinations and exam resits below.
On this page:
- What are valid means of identification for exams?
- How often resits are offered?
- How many resit opportunities do you have?
- Extra chance
- Where and when will my exam take place?
- How do you recognize a resit in mytimetable.hva.nl?
- Register for an exam resit via SIS
- Regular examinations in SIS
- Register for resit but SIS is 'FULL'?
- Exam CLASH
- Forgotten to register or registered too late?
- Missed an examination or exam resit?
- De-registration
- Examination rules
- Rules for entering grades
What are valid means of identification for exams?
For on campus exams you are obliged to identify yourself using one of the following documents:
- Valid passport*, issued by any country
- ID-card*, only from a country in the EEA
- Driving license*, only from a country in the EEA
- Permit to stay, issued by the Dutch government
* These documents may have expired for a maximum of 6 months.
Attention: Aruba, Curaçao, St. Maarten, Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba do not belong of the EEA. (EEA = European Economic Area)
How often resits are offered?
All exams are offered at least twice a year. Please take your study programme into consideration. Sometimes it is not possible to resit only certain parts of an exam, in that case you might need to retake the entire integral (100%) exam. Please look on mytimetable.hva.nl to find out when specific exams are offered, and when the registration period starts. Contact your study advisor if you have questions about your eligibility for resits.
How many resit opportunities do you have?
The academic year always starts on 1 September and ends on 31 August. You can take any exam twice per academic year:
- Via a regular exam (= 1st chance, which follows directly after the classes you followed for the first time) and a resit in the same academic year (= 2nd chance).
- Or, if you have taken and failed your regular exam and resit exam in a previous year, you may take a resit (1st chance) and a second resit (2nd chance) in the following year.
- For every resit you have to register yourself via SIS! See mytimetable.hva.nl for the registration periods of the resits and then register via SIS.
- Every registration is considered as a participation in an exam, even if you do not show up or haven't shown up.
Extra chance
If there is reason to do so based on a student’s personal circumstances (for example), the Examination Board may decide to grant an extra chance. You must request this yourself via the request form.
Where and when will my exam take place?
All regular exams and resits, including date, time, location and registration period, will be published on mytimetable.hva.nl at least two weeks before the start of each block. This manual describes how to find exams and resits on mytimetable.hva.nl.
Please contact the teacher if you have any questions about decentralized exams.
How do you recognize a resit in mytimetable.hva.nl?
You can recognise a resit in the schedule on mytimetable.hva.nl by the registration period and resit code (= resit class code) that is stated. Exams without a registration period are regular (1stchance) exams. Sometimes a resit is also offered at the same time as regular exams. You can see whether this is the case if you add the resits to the schedule using the resit code (For example resit code 'IBR1' for Resits International Business year 1).
This manual describes the resit codes and how to find exam and resits on mytimetable.hva.nl.
Register for an exam resit via SIS
If you would like to resit an exam, you always need to register via SIS during the registration period. You can not participate in a resit without a SIS registration. The registration period for each resit is stated on mytimetable.hva.nl This manual describes how to register for resits via SIS.
Regular examinations in SIS
You are registered automatically in SIS for regular examinations (1st chance). Regular examinations follow the lectures that you have attended for the first time.
- Always check that you have been registered properly in SIS for your regular examinations and choose for English
- Please contact the Education Office immediately if anything is wrong.
Register for resit but SIS is 'FULL'?
Perhaps you are trying to register for a regular (1stchance) exam, this is not possible. Try or check the following options:
- Is this your regular (1stchance) exam? Then you do not have to register via SIS. You are registered automatically. You can always check if you have been registered properly in SIS for your regular examinations in the 'Overview of registrations/deregister' in SIS.
- Would you like to register for a resit but SIS is 'full' ? Then you are trying to enroll for a regular (1stchance) exam. This is not possible. First check via mytimetable.hva.nl if this regular exam is also offered as a resit at the same time by using the resit class code, see this manual. If so, registration should be possible via SIS.
- Something wrong? Or are you not able to find the registrations? Please contact the Education Office during the registration period.
Sometimes various examinations or exam resits are scheduled simultaneously or their times may overlap. In such cases, please fill in the form via Digital Servicepoint during the enrollment period to arrange that you can take examinations or exam resits one after the other. Always mention the course catalogue numbers and the exam date and time of both exams it concerns.
Forgotten to register or registered too late?
If the registration period has closed, you can no longer register and de-register for examinations and exam resits. Ensure that you are aware of the registration period dates which you can find on mytimetable.hva.nl In case of problems with progression of your study by missing an exam or resit you can contact your studyadvisor.
Missed an examination or exam resit?
You can take an examination/exam resit twice per academic year. Please note: every registration is considered as a participation in an exam, even if you do not show up or haven't shown up. If you missed an examination or a resit, you can register again when it is offered another time. Please be aware of the registration period. In case of problems with progression of your study by missing an exam or resit you can contact your studyadvisor.
If you do not want to take a regular examination or exam resit, you can only deregister via SIS within the indicated registration period.
Examination rules
Strict rules apply during all examinations and exam resits. Read the examinations protocols here. You will not be permitted to enter without a valid proof of identity (passport, EEA ID-card, EEA-driving licence or permit to stay issued by the Dutch government). You should be aware of these examination rules for exams on location (PDF).
Rules for entering grades
Formally, your lecturer needs to enter your grade in SIS within fifteen working days (three weeks). If your result has not been entered or has been entered incorrectly, please contact your lecturer first.