Data management plan(ning)

A data management plan (DMP) is a digital document in which you describe what data you will collect, how you are going to store and manage the data during the project, and what will happen to the data after the project is finished.

What is a data management plan and why is it important?

The website of UvA/AUAS research data management provides excellent information in both Dutch and English about DMPs. Note that in case of collecting personal data a DMP is also an important document in light of the GDPR. Much of the information in a DMP you may also need in a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA). Data management planning is about working towards FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data, making your work more efficient and transparent, and creating more value for your data for yourself and others. Check out what’s in it for you on the website of Utrecht University.

When and how to write a DMP?

  • It makes sense to write a DMP for each individual study in your project and it is most efficient to write your DMP after you have written your detailed research protocol/plan .
  • The AUAS works with an online tool called Research Management Services (RMS)) . The template used in RMS has been approved by both SIA and NWO. You may also use the funder’s template and upload it into the RMS.
  • In RMS your AUAS faculty data steward will give feedback after you have submitted the DMP.
  • A DMP in RMS can be filled in both before and after (or simultaneously) filling in the Data Protection Review form.
  • Since your supervisor or principal investigator (lector) is ultimately responsible for the data management of your research it is advised to discuss the ‘final’ version of your DMP your supervisor or principal investigator (lector).
  • A DMP is part of the ethical appraisal by the AUAS ethical research committee .
  • A DMP can be seen as a ‘living’ document. We advise you to evaluate (at least once a year) and update your DMP when needed during the course of a study.
  • At the end of your study or project archive your DMP(s) in a data package in UvA/HvA figshare.

More information: collecting data and FAIR data

Published by  Urban Vitality 12 June 2023