Amsterdam School of International Business
We are working toward a school that includes everyone.
AMSIB’s student and faculty come from over 80 countries and across 90 nationalities. The diversity at AMSIB can be felt through our curriculum, faculty body, classes and student organisations.
The AMSIB community embraces people ranging from different socioeconomic backgrounds, religion, sexual orientation and cultural heritage.
Student clubs bring together our diverse student body on different topics and activities.
A.S.V. Gay (Amsterdam Gay Student Association)
Amsterdamse Studentenvereniging Gay
A.S.V.Gay is a student association for homosexual, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students in Amsterdam.
Civitas Studiosorum in Fundamentio Reformato
CSFR is a Dutch reformed Christian student organisation in Amsterdam.
HSFN (Hindu Student Forum Netherlands)
Hindoe Studenten Forum Nederland
This student association is particularly is aimed at Hindu students and has an active branch in Amsterdam.
There are a variety of student associations with an international focus. Many offer activities and services that are specifically orientated towards international students.
With almost 500 members, AEGEE-Amsterdam is one of the largest student organisations in Amsterdam. This organisation is part of AGEE-Europe, a student organisation that promotes co-operation, communication and integration amongst young people in Europe.
AIESEC is the world's largest youth-run organisation, with locations in over 127 countries. Focused on providing a platform for youth leadership development, AIESEC offers young people the opportunity to go on international internships, acquire leadership experience and participate in a global learning environment.
ASVA Student Union
ASVA offers several services for students such as housing mediation and cheap bikes. See their website for information that can be useful for international students.
ESN (Erasmus Student Network Amsterdam)
The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is run by Dutch students specifically for international students studying in Amsterdam. ESN aims to facilitate the social and cultural integration of international students in Dutch society, and Amsterdam in particular.
AtlasBridges (Moroccan / Dutch student association)
Student association for Moroccan / Dutch students at the University of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS).
AtlasBridges website (in Dutch)
IJAR Dutch Union of Jewish Students
IJAR Amsterdam (Joodse studenten- en jongerenvereniging)

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