Amsterdam School of International Business
Connect to our students
For those seeking a long-term contribution to our School, we would warmly invite you to consider taking up a membership in our International Business Advisory Board (IBAB).
The Amsterdam School of International Business (AMSIB) International Business Advisory Board currently includes representatives from market leaders like Klarna, Huawei Technologies, Eurobridge Business Exchange Ltd., BSUR, Microsoft, Further East Consult, L'Oréal, Senofi, SAP and Deloitte.
These strategic partners keep our curricula strong and relevant through regular reviews and advice. For our partners, this not only allows them to promote their recruitment options towards our students, but it also gives them the benefit of our students’ up-to-date knowledge and often-innovative ideas, insights and research.
IBAB members are active in many different business branches, like the financial industry, logistics, international trade, manufacturing, communications, transportation, fashion, agriculture, energy, et cetera. Furthermore, we keep close relationships with the government of Amsterdam in our IBAB, as our graduates are important (future) contributors to the economic growth of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region.