Amsterdam School of International Business


The Amsterdam School of International Business offers different opportunities for international organizations to connect to our business students. Please join us and become part of our curriculum.

University-industry collaboration is a pivotal force driving innovation and progress by combining academic expertise with practical industry goals. This strategic alliance provides businesses with access to cutting-edge research and insights, technology, and a pool of talented individuals among students and faculty.

Hence, we are keen to invite professionals to our business school through different activities such as being a speaker at different events, providing a guest lecture to share how theory has been applied by organizations or faciliate company visits for students to get a feel of what is happening in the business world. Next to that, case studies are sometimes provided by organizations to get innovative ideas from the next generation of business leaders.

We value career development activities throughout the curriculum. Your business experiences are valuable to our students. A mandatory part of our bachelor’s degree programmes is an internship and a research graduation assignment.

These in-company-training not only gives our students first hand work experience in international business, but also adds value for you as these students bring new ideas and labor force with a thorough applied sciences background.

Complete the form below to share your preferences on how to get involved and connect with talent.

Amsterdam School of International Business proudly presents its International Business Advisory Board, a distinguished group of industry leaders and professionals dedicated to shaping the global perspective of our academic programs. Committed to providing students with comprehensive education, the advisory board's valuable insights guide and enhance our curricula to meet the demands of the international business landscape.

Diversity within the board ensures a thorough understanding of global challenges and opportunities, contributing to the relevance of our educational offerings. Below an overview could be found of industry partners who make this outstanding board.

Published by  Amsterdam School of International Business 20 February 2024
Human Resources - Kraft Heinz

It's a mutually beneficial relationship that energizes both the student and Kraft Heinz, driving innovation and progress.

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