Amsterdam School of International Business
116 Resultaten
Strategies of multilateral coopetition for sustainability
7 februari 2025 | Centre for Economic TransformationPrior work has focused on understanding coopetition tensions and response in bilateral coopetitions. Even though multilateral coopetitions are prevalent in practice they have not been fully studied in terms of ...
Sustainability performance of Dutch firms and the role of digitalization: The case of textile and apparel industry
25 juni 2024 | Centre for Economic TransformationThe textiles and apparel industry is a major contributor to economic development while at the same time being one of the most polluting industries due to its lengthy supply chain and resource intensive production ...
Supply chain resilience capabilities in European food supply chains: the impact of COVID-19 in the Netherlands
7 mei 2024 | Centre for Economic TransformationThis chapter discusses supply chain management responses used by companies in the food supply chain during the recent COVID-19 pandemic.
Future of Food and Beverage 2024 - Conference notes
1 januari 2024 | Centre for Economic TransformationThis professional note discusses several key topics in food and beverage sector in 2024. It is based on the Future of Food and Beverage 2024 conference organized by Innovation Forum in Amsterdam 14-15 May 2024.
Do it or Buy it?
1 januari 2024 | Centre for Economic TransformationAccepted abstract to present at the CSCMP European Research Seminar (ERS 2024) on Logistics & SCM, to be held on June 20-21, 2024, in Warsaw, Poland.
Work-life balance and remote working in the pandemic and beyond
27 oktober 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationPoor work-life balance (WLB) has been linked to negative outcomes such as increased stress, anxiety, depression, and a perceived reduction in the overall quality of life. At an institutional level, these may include ...
Adopsi teknologi informasi di marikultur berbasis ekonomi inovasi dan ekologi lingkungan di Asia Tenggara
30 september 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationIsu Kunci Policy Brief ini memuat poin-poin penting sebagai berikut : >1) Adopsi teknologi informasi untuk industri perikanan. >2) Pentingnya ekonomi inovasi pada rantai nilai budidaya perikanan laut dan ...
The Impact of Obligatory Online Education on Business Students: A Comparative Study
1 mei 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationDue to the Covid-19 crisis, higher education was forced to offer online alternatives to their courses. This change drastically increased the number of students partaking in online education. However, the effects of ...
Education for sustainability and the affective learning domain
1 februari 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationEducation for sustainability scholarship argues that sustainability competence is more than cognitive domain learning that is traditionally (over) focused on reason, knowledge application and testing. Affective ...
Re-imagining the teaching case as a format & practice
1 februari 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationThe form and format of a ‘teaching case’ implies ready-to-use teaching material that can be easily integrated within a module and/or curriculum.
An IMAGE Case Compilation
1 februari 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationTalking and discussing with many partners during the way has brought us to the most original meaning of Teaching as ‘fostering learning’. The present Teaching case is the result of all those discussions ...
Halfway there? SDG Barometer 2022 The Netherlands
1 januari 2023 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThe Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are our plan for a futureproof world in which every person can live in peace and prosperity. The power of this vision is even more relevant today than it was when the Goals ...
Analyzing and Visualising the Trends in Digital Transformation, Digitalization, and Digital maturity
9 november 2022 | Centre for Economic TransformationIn the last two decades, technological developments affected almost all aspects of society. These new developments have caused rapid changes in the business environment. Accordingly, the changes have been impacting ...
The Role of Problem-Based Learning Approach on Students’ Innovative Behavior and Entrepreneurial Orientation
9 november 2022 | Centre for Economic TransformationThis paper argues for a Problem Based Learning (PBL) design that promotes digital tool usage in entrepreneurship and innovation management education, in order to develop students’ innovative behavior and ...
Passenger Dimensions in Sustainable Multimodal Mobility Services
1 oktober 2022 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementSeamless integration of air segment in the overall multimodal mobility chain is a key challenge to provide more efficient and sustainable transport services. Technology advances offer a unique opportunity to build a ...
Exploring the Efficiency of Future Multimodal Networks: A Door-to-Door Case in Europe
1 oktober 2022 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementIt is expected that future transportation technologies will positively impact how passengers travel to their destinations. Europe aims to integrate air transport into the overall multimodal transport network to ...
Resource Orchestration and Opportunity Beliefs in Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives for Sustainability
1 juli 2022 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementOur world is increasingly faced with wicked environmental sustainability challenges, requiring entrepreneurs to work in multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) to address these challenges. Network orchestration is ...
Appropriating Relational Value from Collaborative Networks for Sustainability
13 juni 2022 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementOur study elucidates relational value creation and appropriation in collaborative networks for sustainability (CNfS), which focus on grand societal challenges and include a multiplicity and diversity of actors.
Yes, We Can: Putting co-creation into practice at Spinoza Imaginaries Lab & Café
16 mei 2022 | Centre for Economic TransformationIn Amsterdam we have been working with a diversity of partners in the city for more than a decade now. Our study and research in our research group Cities & Visitors have been focused on the image and reputations ...
Appropriating Relational Value from Collaborative Networks for Sustainability
14 februari 2022 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementOur study elucidates relational value creation and appropriation in collaborative networks for sustainability (CNfS), which focus on grand societal challenges and include a multiplicity and diversity of actors.
Capturing Urban Memory with Sentient Data, Counter Mapping and Digital Methods
1 januari 2022 | Centre for Economic TransformationThis paper puts forward a conceptual proposition that ties the discourses on ‘urban memory’ (Stillman and Johanson, 2009; Ringas, Christopoulou, Stefanidakis., 2011; Loughran, Fine & Hunter, 2015), ...
Circular moonshot
1 januari 2022 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementWe aim to understand the interaction between shifting organizational field logics and field actors’ responses to reconcile logic plurality and maintain legitimacy through business model innovation. Drawing on a ...
Circular Economy Ecosystem Coordination
1 januari 2022 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementCircular solutions require a systemic approach involving multiple actors within and across industrial sectors. This has implications for the structure and dynamics within geographically bounded entrepreneurial ...
Appropriating relational value from collaborative networks for sustainability
1 januari 2022 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementOur study elucidates relational value creation and appropriation in collaborative networks for sustainability (CNfS) that focus on grand societal challenges and include a multiplicity and diversity of actors.
Addressing food loss and waste prevention
1 januari 2022 | Centre for Economic TransformationPurpose Food waste is one of the most challenging issues humanity is currently facing. Therefore, there has been a growing interest in the prevention of food waste because of world hunger, environmental impacts, ...
Circular moonshots
1 januari 2022 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementWe aim to understand the interaction between shifting organizational field logics and field actors’ responses to reconcile logic plurality and maintain legitimacy through business model innovation. Drawing on a ...
Neuroscience can contribute to change management: STREAP-Be model
1 januari 2022 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementIn our world of VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous), a capacity for change and adaption is vital. However, changing successfully has been a challenging task for both individuals and organizations. ...
What Bias Management Can Learn From Change Management? Utilizing Change Framework to Review and Explore Bias Strategies
1 december 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThis paper conducted a preliminary study of reviewing and exploring bias strategies using a framework of a different discipline: change management. The hypothesis here is: If the major problem of implicit bias ...
Achieving greater sustainability impact from cross-sector collaborations
1 december 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementTo tackle long term sustainability issues, such as poverty, climate change or biodiversity loss, requires multiple stakeholders in cross-sector partnerships (CSCs) to collectively align interests and act together.
A circular moonshot
1 oktober 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementWe aim to understand the interaction between shifting organizational field logics and field actors’ responses to reconcile logic plurality and maintain legitimacy through business model innovation.
Extended ATM for Seamless Travel (X-TEAM D2D)
23 september 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementX-TEAM D2D project is focused on integrating Air Traffic Management and Urban Air Mobility into an overall multimodal transport network to address the potential increase in efficiency of the overall transportation ...
Unpacking value creation and value capture in collaborative networks for sustainability
1 september 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementOur study elucidates collaborative value creation and private value capture in collaborative networks in a context of sustainability. Collaborative networks that focus on innovative solutions for grand societal ...
Shifting cognitive frames through collective action to address grand challenges: A case study of a multi-stakeholder initiative in the apparel industry
15 juli 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementInter-organizational arrangements that aim to address social and environmental “grand challenges” often take the form of multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) (also cross-sector partnerships or ...
Shifting cognitive frames through collective action to address grand challenges: A case study of a multi-stakeholder initiative in the apparel industry
25 juni 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementInter-organizational arrangements that aim to address social and environmental “grand challenges” often take the form of multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) (also cross-sector partnerships or ...
Governing Collaborative Value Creation in the Context of Grand Challenges: A Case Study of a Cross-Sectoral Collaboration in the Textile Industry
1 mei 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThe aim of this study is to understand how governance mechanisms in cross-sector collaborations (CSCs) for sustainability affect value creation and capture and subsequently the survival of this organizational form.
How to promote managers’ innovative behavior at work: Individual factors and perceptions
1 januari 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementWith the rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), digital technology changes how banks translate new customer demands into new products and services. To achieve this translation, banks ...
Us before me
1 januari 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementA more efficient use of natural resources is considered a necessary condition for their sustainable use. When firms use resources circularly they aim to contribute to using resources more eco-efficiently, and thus in ...
Analysing and visualising the trends in knowledge management
1 januari 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThe purpose of this study was to analyse knowledge management research trends to understand the development of the field using a combination of scientometric, bibliometric, and visualisation techniques, subsequently ...
Understanding human aspects for an effective information security management implementation.
1 januari 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementIn today’s world, information security is a trending as well as a crucial topic for both individuals and organizations. Cyber attacks cause financial loss for businesses with data breaches and production loss. ...
From individual sustainability orientations to collective sustainability innovation and sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems
1 januari 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementSustainability and economic growth—the integration and balance of social, environmental, and economic needs—is a salient concern for sustainable development and social well-being. By focusing on a ...
Not ‘culture’ as Hofstede assumed, but ‘context’ is the software of the mind
1 januari 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThis paper reviews and discusses the neuroscience of a dynamic, contextual and polycultural self.
The role of Edge/Fog computing security in IoT and Industry 4.0 infrastructures
1 januari 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThe development of information and communication technologies (ICT) has led to many innovative technologies. The integration of technologies such as the internet of things (IoT), cloud computing, and machine learning ...
Edubook Culture and Intercultural Communication
1 januari 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementMODELLEN In theorie wordt uitgegaan van het 4R-model van Fons Trompenaars en Charles Hampden-Turner, waarbij steeds een koppeling wordt gemaakt naar andere cultuurmodellen om de samenhang hiertussen weer te geven.
COVID-19 and obligatory remote working in HEIs
30 december 2020 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementAt present, COVID-19 has caused a possible paradigm shift in education, especially in education delivery for higher educational and learning institutions.
Persuasive location-based messaging to increase store visits: An exploratory study of fashion shoppers
1 november 2020 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementAlthough it appears increasingly important yet potentially challenging to attract customers to physical stores, location-based messaging, i.e., delivering mobile phone messages using data about the recipient's ...
Entangled sensemaking at sea
2 september 2020 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementSustainable commercial fishing, species conservation, and bycatch are contentious topics. Great emphasis has been placed on the sustainable sourcing of particular species that we buy at the store and order in ...
Adopting zero-waste indigo dyeing production
18 mei 2020 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementDyStar is a multinational organization and world leader of dyestuffs and chemical manufacturing. As the world’s largest supplier of textile dyes, it offers a broad range of products and has increasingly ...
An Investigation of Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Intention amongst University Students
29 april 2020 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThe aim of this study is to investigate the factors affecting the entrepreneurial intention (EI) of university students. In order to do so, EI, individual entrepreneurial orientation, self-efficacy, perceived ...
Fear-Free Cross-Cultural Communication: Toward a More Balanced Approach With Insight From Neuroscience
1 maart 2020 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementIn cross-cultural communication and adjunct disciplines such as cross-cultural management and international business, there is a negativity bias of seeing cultural differences as a source of potential issues. The ...
Productive opportunities, uncertainty, and science-based firm emergence
1 februari 2020 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementWe provide greater theoretical precision to the concept of productive opportunities of Penrose. We show firm emergence as a recursive cycle of changing productive opportunities. We show how those opportunities result ...
Tay nao de don xuan
24 januari 2020 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and Management'Brainwashing' om de lente te verwelkomen: Veranderende sociale percepties zullen leiden tot veranderingen in levensstijl en hersenfunctie.
Tech Scale-Ups in the Amsterdam City Region
1 januari 2020 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThis report analysis the geography of the tech sector in Amsterdam, with a focus on scaleups. After a literature review, it contains a quantitative analysis, showing and mapping the spatial clustering of various ...
Brand Positioning
1 januari 2020 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementBrand Positioning is an English translation of an exceptionally well-renowned Dutch textbook, which provides a practical approach to analysing, defining and developing a brand’s positioning and strategy.
How to facilitate different types of innovation activities in organizations?
1 januari 2020 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementIn dynamic and competitive environment, the importance of innovation is accepted as a necessary ingredients for firms to create value and sustain competitive advantage.
Cross-Cultural Management
1 januari 2020 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementCross-Cultural Management: With Insights from Brain Science explores a broad range of topics on the impact of culture in international business and vice versa, and the impact of businesses and individuals in shaping ...
Visual Culture on the Semi-Periphery: Reading the Global/Local in Google Image Results
1 januari 2020 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThis edited volume gives voice to pluralised avenues from visual communication and cultural studies regarding the Global South and beyond, including examples from China, India, Cambodia, Brazil, Mexico and numerous ...
Tackling Food Waste: Factors that influence food waste
1 december 2019 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThe increased generation of food waste is a global and national problem. The purpose of the study is to investigate the factors that influence food waste and the role of technology in tackling food waste in the ...
Optimization-Simulation implementations for harmonizing operations at big airports
23 oktober 2019 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThe constant growth of air traffic, especially in Europe, is putting pressure on airports, which, in turn, are suffering congestion problems. The airspace surrounding airport, terminal manoeuvring area (TMA), is ...
The Development of Entrepreneurial Intention amongst University Students: The Influence of Individual and Contextual Factors
16 oktober 2019 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThe swift enhancement of technology has affected the business environment while higher education alone no longer plays a definitive role in the employment process. To meet the emerging requirements of employers, ...
Country of Origin Criteria for Digitalization with National IT Products
9 oktober 2019 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementIn today’s world, digital transformation enhancement in IT sector becomes crucial for efficient solutions in organizations. Institutions in public sector try to enrich its process solutions with additional ...
Persuasive location-based messaging to attract consumers to a physical store: a construal level theory approach
1 juli 2019 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementAlthough it appears increasingly important yet potentially challenging to attract consumers to physical stores, location‐based messaging has been said to enable such attraction. Still, existing studies offer ...
Information security behaviour
12 juni 2019 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementIn today’s world, information security is a trending as well as a crucial topic for both individuals and organizations. Experts believe that nothing can guarantee any system’s security unless ...
Strategies of multilateral coopetition: Experienced tensions and coopetition capabilities
1 juni 2019 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementPrior work has focused on understanding coopetition tensions and response in bilateral coopetitions. Even though multilateral coopetitions are prevalent in practice they have not been fully studied in terms of ...
From dressing up a child to building up a strong person
1 juni 2019 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementDon’t you think like I do? “Great pic, flying in the face of stereotypes: A little girl in blue, unisex clothes, and (gasp) aliens print of some sort. Who needs princess and fairies?”
How to facilitate different types of innovation in an organization through entrepreneurial orientation and knowledge management
28 mei 2019 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementIn dynamic and competitive environment, the importance of innovation is accepted as a necessary ingredients for firms to create value and sustain competitive advantage. However, very little empirical research has ...
The plight of London-based startups
1 januari 2019 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementWith Brexit looming, start-ups in the London ecosystem may ask themselves whether they are still in the right place for their business. Are they considering a move to the continent due to the ambiguous Brexit ...
Motivations and entrepreneurial orientation of sustainable entrepreneurs: an exploratory study of sustainable entrepreneurship archetypes in the fashion industry
1 januari 2019 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementSustainable entrepreneurs need to balance social, environmental and economic goals. However, some put sustainable goals first whereas others prioritize economic outcomes. This suggests differences in types of ...
From individual sustainability orientations to collective sustainability innovation and sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems
1 januari 2019 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementSustainability and economic growth – the integration and balance of social, environmental and economic needs is a salient concern for sustainable development and social well-being. By focusing on a sustainable ...
A Generic Framework for Modeling Airport Operations at a Macroscopic Level
1 januari 2019 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementIn this paper, a general approach for modeling airport operations is presented. Airport operations have been extensively studied in the last decades ranging from airspace, airside and landside operations. Due to the ...
There is no blank slate
1 januari 2019 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThe Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature (2002) by Steven Pinker, in which Pinker makes a case against tabula rasa models in the social sciences, arguing that human behavior is substantially shaped by ...
Establishing Typologies for Diverging Career Paths through the Life Course: A Comparison of two Methods
1 oktober 2018 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementDiscussions on policy and management initiatives to facilitate individuals throughout working careers take place without sufficient insight into how career paths are changing, how these changes are related to a ...
The Adaptation of the Logistic Industry to the Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Role of Human Resource Management
1 september 2018 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThe world is on the verge of the fourth industrial revolution that will considerably influence society and human life. Today human being is surrounded by technological advancement and every day we face new ...
Reducing consumer risk in electronic marketplaces
1 september 2018 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementExisting studies offer very limited insight into how sellers may reduce consumers' perceived risk in order to make consumer-to-consumer electronic marketplaces more successful. Contrary to these studies, the ...
The Role of Coopetition on Innovation, Value Creation and Value Capture
1 augustus 2018 | Centre for Economic TransformationCoopetition (simultaneous competition and collaboration between firms) is an important driver for innovation, as competing organizations benefit from pooling resources and ideas for new products, processes and ...
Collaborative Research With Practitioners: Research Journeys & Methodological Innovations
1 augustus 2018 | Centre for Economic TransformationCollaborative research methods such as action research and engaged scholarship are seen as one way for research to impact practice. Scholars engaged in such research face several opportunities and challenges that ...
Fusing the electromagnetic articulograph, high-speed video cameras and a 16-channel microphone array for speech analysis
1 juni 2018 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementElectromagnetic articulography (EMA) is one of the instrumental phonetic research methods used for recording and assessing articulatory movements. Usually, articulographic data are analysed together with standard ...
Proof of the Pudding
1 mei 2018 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementIn een RAAK Mkb project heeft Marklinq samen met twaalf betrokken bedrijven samengewerkt, met als doel: hoe kunnen zij klanten effectiever betrekken bij productinnovaties?
The development of entrepreneurial intention amongst university students
1 januari 2018 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThe swift enhancement of technology has affected the business environment as higher education alone no longer plays a definitive role in the employment process. To meet the emerging requirements of employers, ...
Mapping ‘Women in Technology' Issue Networks across Bulgarian, Croatian, and Serbian National Google(s)
1 januari 2018 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThis article explores the intersection between women and technology with an experimental research design that uses online search engine data and digital methods (Rogers 2002, 2004, 2013).
Culturally appropriate face strategies in cooperative learning with insight from cultural neuroscience
1 januari 2018 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementFace, understood as public image, exerts critical influence on interpersonal communication. Incorporating insight from cultural neuroscience, a number of potential mismatches with regard to facework are revealed when ...
A generational approach to female entrepreneurship in Europe
26 december 2017 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementFemale entrepreneurship is still a limited phenomenon in European countries and its promotion ranks high on the EU policy agenda. Various frameworks have been offered to explain the main structural differences in ...
Collaborating with competitors ... 5 tips to managing competition in multi-stakeholder collaborations
14 november 2017 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and Management -
Combining an Intuitive Art Workshop and Neuroscience Rituals to Make us Happy
1 november 2017 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementOne might wonder how intuitive art can connect to neuroscience and how this could be accomplished. In this descriptive article, research connecting art therapy and neuroscience has been collected and a workshop on ...
The influence of cross-cultural differences on consumer values: a case study
1 november 2017 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementValues motivate consumer behaviour. The objective of this research is to show the impact of cultural differences on the consumer value system. The Netherlands and Chile were compared to identify to what extent ...
Sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystem emergence and development
30 september 2017 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementOur paper investigates the interaction of mechanisms that drive the emergence and development of a sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystem (SEE). We study a specific geographic context, the Amsterdam metropolitan ...
Entrepreneurial orientation and its effect on sustainability decision tradeoffs
1 september 2017 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementWe examined the entrepreneurial orientation and sustainability orientation, a persistent and conflicting duality, of sustainable entrepreneurs and their evaluation of competing priorities in sustainability decision ...
A critical analysis of cultural metaphors and static cultural frameworks with insight from cultural neuroscience and evolutionary biology
13 juli 2017 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementPurpose The purpose of this paper is to conduct a critical analysis to address cultural metaphors – a much overlooked aspect of cross-cultural studies. Mainstream cultural metaphors (e.g. the iceberg, the ...
Intercultural communication
1 mei 2017 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThis book is an introduction to Intercultural Communication (IC) that takes into account the much neglected dynamic paradigm of culture in the literature. It posits that culture is not static, context is the driving ...
I was housed, fed, loved and saved in Syria by the refugees
26 april 2017 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementA reflective account of being Alone, Asian and Atheist in the Middle East
Budget deficit and challenges of knowledge management in higher education
1 januari 2017 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementOver the past decade, knowledge management has become an increasingly important and critical issue. Both the scientific and commercial communities maintain that organizations with knowledge power can sustain their ...
The Nneurobiology of cross-cultural management and diversity
1 januari 2017 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThe Neurobiology of cross-cultural management and diversity
Knowledge Management: An Overview Of Research Trends
1 januari 2017 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementAs a young and interdisciplinary field, Knowledge Management (KM) holds a crucial role in scientific research and development of knowledge-intensive economies. This study elaborates on the methods used in previous ...
Shifting Paradigm of Intercultural Communication: When Neurons, Genes and Evolution Joined the Discourse
1 januari 2017 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThis book is an introduction to Intercultural Communication (IC) that takes into account the much neglected dynamic paradigm of culture in the literature. It posits that culture is not static, context is the driving ...
Intercultural Communication - An Interdisciplinary Approach
1 januari 2017 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementDr Mai Nguyen-Phuong-Mai started her career as a journalist. She holds a PhD in Intercultural Communication from Utrecht University, The Netherlands. She is currently Associate Professor at Amsterdam School of ...
The mediating effects of self-leadership on perceived entrepreneurial orientation and innovative work behavior in the banking sector
21 oktober 2016 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementInnovative work behavior has been one of the essential attribute of high performing firms, and the roles of entrepreneurial orientation and self-leadership have been important for promoting innovative work behavior.
Exploring the role of motivational cultural intelligence in SIE women’s adjustment
13 juni 2016 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThe purpose of this paper is to explore and discuss the role of motivational cultural intelligence and its related strategies in the experiential learning and cross-cultural adjustment of self-initiated expatriate ...
Growing fast or slow?
1 juni 2016 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThe paper explores the process of early growth of entrepreneurial science-based firms. Drawing on case studies of British and Dutch biopharmaceutical R&D firms, we conceptualize the speed of early growth of ...
1 april 2016 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementDit boek biedt een op theorie gebaseerde handleiding over het kiezen en het formuleren van de positionering van een merk. Het omhelst recentelijke academische inzichten op het gebied van branding, met een extra focus ...
When do acquirers invest in the R&D assets of acquired science-based firms in cross-border acquisitions?
1 april 2016 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementDrawing on a multiple case study of acquisitions of UK biopharmaceutical firms, we develop an analytical framework that elucidates how key determinants of the knowledge base of science-based firms and their ...
Entrepreneurial orientations and their impact on trade-off decisions in sustainability
8 februari 2016 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementOur paper investigates the microfoundations of sustainable entrepreneurship and aims to shed light on trade-offs made in decisions about social, ecological and economic sustainability. Balancing the ...
Collaborating with competitors to advance sustainability
1 januari 2016 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementSustainability challenges are among the most complex and difficult problems facing businesses today. These challenges involve many actors and interests and overlapping concerns, and addressing them requires ...
Going Global Versus Staying Local: The Performance Management Dilemma in the International Context
1 januari 2016 | CommunicationThe drive towards internationalization and the need to become successful across borders was already recognized by Perlmutter(1969) in his seminal work on the evolution of companies from ethnocentric to polycentric. ...
Local-global knowledge sourcing in the context of an open innovation knowledge platform
1 januari 2016 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementOur paper investigates the inherent tensions between the local embeddedness of highly tacit knowledge and the global sourcing of ‘open’ knowledge or innovation.
The influence of values on consumer behaviour
1 januari 2016 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementSubstantial progress has been made in the conceptualization of values within psychology. The importance of values is also acknowledged in marketing, and companies use values to describe the core associations of their ...
Assess your competitor collaboration to advance sustainability
1 januari 2016 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementIf your company is currently collaborating with competitors in order to advance sustainability, this tool will help you think about how to take that collaboration to the next level and achieve better results. If ...
Assessing the Added Value of Global Mobility Versus Local Experience: A Case Study
1 januari 2016 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementAlthough the data for this study were collected some time ago, the recent publication of the Erasmus Impact Study (European Commission, 2014) has made it worthwhile reflecting on results from this research to add to ...
Syrian Alawites: Their history, their future
28 oktober 2015 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThe conflict in Syria has taken a critical turn. Alawites, who have long rallied behind their co-religionist president, now want to execute his cousin for killing an Alawite army officer August 7 in an apparent road ...
Toward a Better Use of the Semantic Differential in IS Research: An Integrative Framework of Suggested Action
1 februari 2015 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThe semantic differential is a widely applied measurement technique in the information systems field. As we demonstrate in this study, however, there is evidence that many of the applications of the semantic ...
How good are health care companies at branding?
1 januari 2015 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThe Center for Health, Work & Environment at the Colorado School of Public Health, in collaboration with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), hosted the fourth international ...
Providing information and enabling transactions: which website function is more important for success?
1 januari 2015 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementIn this study, we propose and test a chain of effects from website content, through informational and transactional success to overall website success and company performance. This framework enables us to determine ...
Revisiting Facework with a new analysis instrument
1 november 2014 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThis paper introduces the Analysis Framework of Face Interaction (AFFI) which is developed based on a new face dimension termed Face Confirmation − Face Confrontation at two levels: Individual level within the ...
Effects of complaint behaviour and service recovery satisfaction on consumer intentions to repurchase on the internet
1 januari 2014 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThis paper investigates the impact of complaint behaviour and service recovery satisfaction on consumer intentions to repurchase through Internet channels.
De onderscheidendheid van merkwaarden in de zorg
1 augustus 2013 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementSamenvatting: Dit rapport beschrijft de resultaten van een onderzoek naar de onderscheidendheid van kernwaarden van zorgorganisaties.Door middel van een vragenlijst die eind 2011 is ingevuld door 161 zorginstellingen ...
Cooperative Learning in Vietnam and the West–East educational transfer
1 juni 2012 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementUnder pressure of the continuing need to modernize, Vietnam is rapidly reforming its education system. Cooperative Learning (CL) with a Western-based model is being enthusiastically applied. This paper suggests that ...
Selling to the multi-channel consumer
1 januari 2012 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementHet ontwikkelen van een goede multichannel strategie is één van de belangrijkste uitdagingen waar retailers vandaag de dag voor staan. Een toenemend aantal ‘traditionele’ retailers ziet het ...
Selling to the multi-channel consumer
1 januari 2012 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementHet ontwikkelen van een goede multichannel strategie is één van de belangrijkste uitdagingen waar retailers vandaag de dag voor staan. Een toenemend aantal ‘traditionele’ retailers ziet het ...