The board of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences is formed by the Executive Board, the Supervisory Board and the Central Representative Advisory Council.
The Executive Board

Ms J.E.A.M. (Jopie) Nooren
Chair of the Executive Board
With effect from 1 March 2021, Ms J.E.A.M. (Jopie) Nooren was appointed as chair of the Executive Board.
Jopie Nooren began her career as an academic employee and university lecturer at Erasmus University Rotterdam. She then worked at Zorgverzekeraars Nederland and was director of the Vereniging Gehandicaptenzorg Nederland. She then joined the board of directors of care institution Lunet Zorg in Eindhoven. From 2013, she chaired the board of directors at Bartiméus. From 2015 to 2021, Nooren was a member of the Senate representing the Dutch Labour Party. From 2019, she was also deputy chair there.
Nooren studied Occupational Therapy at Heerlen University of Applied Sciences and Health Care Policy and Management at Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Dr. G.R. (Geleyn) Meijer
Rector, Deputy Chair
Dr G.R. (Geleyn) Meijer has been Rector of Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences since 1 July 2018. As of 1 July 2022, he was reappointed for a period of four years.
Before becoming dean of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences’ Faculty of Digital Media and Creative Industries in 2011, he was a partner at Logica and strategy director at Logica Management Consulting Nederland. As dean, he was heavily involved in the development of the Centre of Expertise Amsterdam Creative Industries Network, the Knowledge Mile, the Master’s degree programme in Digital Design and the Digital Society School.
Meijer studied Physics at the University of Amsterdam and obtained his PhD in Robotics there in 1991.

Dr. T. (Tijs) Breukink
Member of the Executive Board ad interim, portfolio holder of Operations
Dr T. (Tijs) Breukink has been appointed as a member of the Executive Board ad interim with the Operations portfolio from 1 April 2024.
Tijs Breukink (b. 1964) served on the Board of Directors of Wageningen University & Research from 2005 to 2017. Following this, he became interim member of the Executive Board of HAN University of Applied Sciences and that of Fontys University of Applied Sciences, among other roles.
After completing a degree in Technical Business Administration at Saxion University of Applied Sciences, he earned a degree in Business and Economics from Erasmus University Rotterdam in 1987. In 1992, he obtained his doctorate in the same field at the former Katholieke Universiteit Brabant (now Tilburg University).
Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board has a supervisory role and appoints and monitors the members of the Executive Board.
Mr. G.V.M. (Gala) Veldhoen
R.P.J. (Ron) de Mos
Prof. dr. V.A.J. (Valerie) Frissen
Dr. H.C. (Henno) Theisens
Drs. R.N. Nurmohamed RA
Drs. Y.E.M. Verdonk - van Lokven
Central Representative Advisory Council
The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences has a Central Representative Advisory Council (CMR), in which both students and employees are represented.