Aviation Academy
Konstantinos Stamoulis has been Professor of Aviation Engineering at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) since 2020. His areas of interest include composites and advanced materials engineering, novel inspection and repair technologies, failure analysis, and data analytics in Aviation Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO).
Stamoulis was trained as an aeronautical engineer, specialising in Applied Mechanics, at the National Technical University of Athens, and in Materials Science and Engineering (MIT). In 2008, he completed his PhD on Fatigue of Micromechanical Systems at the University of Thessaly (UTH). Stamoulis has been involved in teaching and research in various academic programmes and worked as a research assistant at the Technology Laboratory for Advanced Materials and Structures (MIT) and at the Laboratory for Strength of Materials and Micromechanics (UTH).
Stamoulis served as a senior officer in the Hellenic Air Force (HAF), where he held various technical and operational appointments in maintenance and engineering organizations from 1993 until 2018. He was Director of Engineering and Industrial Design at the Air Force Aircraft Depot from 2011 to 2017.
In addition to his professorship at AUAS, Stamoulis fulfils the following roles:
- Lecturer in Aircraft Structure & Materials learning-line lectures and tutorials in the Aviation Bachelor program.
- Lecturer in Materials Engineering module of the Gas Turbine minor program.
- Supervisor of (post)graduate theses and internship assignments.
- AUAS lead researcher in Bright Sky project, https://brightsky.nl/
- Executive Committee member of the Aerospace Technical Network of the Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET) https://engx.theiet.org/technical-networks/aero/a/about/c/general
- Scientific Committee member and Session Chair of the International Conference of Engineering Against Failure (ICEAF, EASN), https://iceaf.eu/
- Editorial Board member of the International Journal of Sustainable Aviation (IJSA), https://www.inderscience.com/jhome.php?jcode=ijsa
- Scientific Committee member of the International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis (ICEFA, Elsevier), https://www.elsevier.com/events/conferences/international-conference-on-engineering-failure-analysis