Dra. C.A. Zuniga Alcaraz (Catya)
Associate Professor Aviation ManagementDra. Catya Zuniga (female), holds a PhD in Telecommunication and System Engineering by the Autonomous University of Barcelona, obtained with the highest honours in 2012; she did postdoctoral studies in the Applied Mathematic Laboratory at the French Civil Aviation University (ENAC), France under the supervision of Prof. Daniel Delahaye. She received a M.Sc. degree in Industrial Informatics form the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a B.Sc. Mechanic Engineering from the Autonomous Metropolitan University (Mexico). She received a Mechanical Specialization degree by National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico and in the same year a Superior Educational Diplomat.
Dra. Zuniga has worked for the last years as a researcher on diverse universities around the world such as the Aeronautical University in Queretaro (Mexico), the French Civil Aviation University (France), and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain), among others. She has given several courses related to the logistic and operational side or aviation both on the airspace and airport side; air traffic management, modelling and simulation and operation research among others. She has participated in some international project founded by Mexican and European institutions and produced publications in high quality research journals and congresses related to the airport and air traffic management field.
Dr. Zuniga’s main research interest has been focused on developing strategic and tactical airport and air traffic management decision support tools and strategies to improve the performance of the aviation operations using innovative operational concepts on line with the international standards and recommendations.
Conceptual Framework for Autonomous Airside Vehicles Business Models
Sunaryo, E. R., Bartelet, G., & Zuniga Alcaraz, C. A. (2024). Conceptual Framework for Autonomous Airside Vehicles Business Models. Paper presented at The XIX. International Scientific Conference - New Trends in Aviation Development, Starý Smokovec, Slovakia. https://doi.org/10.1109/NTAD63796.2024.10850355
How Smart Airport is Paving the way for a Smart Access Concept: Technology’s Role in the Digital Ecosystem of the Access Control Process
Gardt, S., Zuniga Alcaraz, C., & Satink, R. (2024). How Smart Airport is Paving the way for a Smart Access Concept: Technology’s Role in the Digital Ecosystem of the Access Control Process. Journal of Airline Operations and Aviation Management, 3(2), 28-45. https://doi.org/10.69978/jaoam.V3.I2.4
Modeling the implementation of technology in a passenger security screening checkpoint at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
Gardt, S. R., Zuniga Alcaraz, C. A., & Wellens, A. (2024). Modeling the implementation of technology in a passenger security screening checkpoint at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. In M. Affenzeller, A. Bruzzone, E. Jimenez, F. Longo, & A. Petrillo (Eds.), Proceedings of the 36th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2024) (2024 ed., Vol. 36). Article 022. https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2024.emss.022
Evaluating Health Risks and Emissions from Ground Support Equipment at Schiphol Airport
Kaspers, T., Sunaryo, E., Wellens, A., & Zuniga , C. (2024). Evaluating Health Risks and Emissions from Ground Support Equipment at Schiphol Airport: Journey towards Autonomous Airside Operations. Poster session presented at 21st GARS Junior Workshop, Antwerp, Belgium.
A Framework for Sustainable and Autonomous Airside Operation Benchmarking
Sunaryo, E. R., & Zuniga Alcaraz, C. (2024). A Framework for Sustainable and Autonomous Airside Operation Benchmarking. Abstract from THE 27th ATRS WORLD CONFERENCE, Lisbon, Portugal.
Sector Traffic Balancing Using Tactical Demand Tailoring
Vegter, S., Murrieta-Mendoza, A., Zuñiga, C., Noordeloos, K., & Westerveld, E. (2023). Sector Traffic Balancing Using Tactical Demand Tailoring. Paper presented at 13th SESAR Innovation Days 2023, SIDS 2023, Seville, Spain.
Simulation as a decision support tool for airport land use developments
Rosado, L. E. G., Wellens, A. G., & Alcaráz, C. Z. (2023). Simulation as a decision support tool for airport land use developments. In A. G. Bruzzone, B. Goldberg, & F. Longo (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Defence and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop (DHSS 2023) Article 005 DIME Università di Genova, DIMEG Università della Calabria. https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2023.dhss.005
An analysis and design for the repair process of Late Show shipments in the Export Cargo Process at SPL HUB
van Rooden, S., Zuniga Alcaraz, C., Krol, B., & Olivares-Benitez, E. (2022). An analysis and design for the repair process of Late Show shipments in the Export Cargo Process at SPL HUB. In F. Liberatore, G. H. Parlier, & M. Demange (Eds.), ICORES 2022: 11th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems: proceedings (pp. 123-130). Scitepress Digital Library. https://doi.org/10.5220/0010797500003117
Post COVID Aviation: a holistic view on challenges and opportunities
Boosten, G. G. M., & Zuniga Alcaraz, C. A. (2021). Post COVID Aviation: a holistic view on challenges and opportunities. In Academia / ETC database
Queretaro airport business model
Zuniga Alcaraz, C., & Boosten, G. (2021). Queretaro airport business model: proposal to update the airport master plan. Transportation Research Procedia, 56, 10-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trpro.2021.09.002
a practical approach to monitor capacity under the CDM approach
Zuniga, C., & Boosten, G. (2020). a practical approach to monitor capacity under the CDM approach. Aerospace, 7(7), Article 101. https://doi.org/10.3390/AEROSPACE7070101
Understanding the building blocks of aviation capacity
Zuniga Alcaraz, C. A., & Boosten, G. G. M. (2020). Understanding the building blocks of aviation capacity. International Airport Review. https://www.internationalairportreview.com/article/114166/aviation-capacity-definition-airports/
Time to sweat the assets?
Mujica Mota, M., Boosten, G., & Zuniga Alcaraz, C. (2017). Time to sweat the assets? the analysis of two airport cases of restricted capacity in different continents. OECD Publishing. https://www.itf-oecd.org/airport-restricted-capacity-analysis
Topology design for integrating and sequencing flows in terminal maneuvering area
Chida, H., Zuniga, C., & Delahaye, D. (2016). Topology design for integrating and sequencing flows in terminal maneuvering area. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 230(9), 1705-1720. https://doi.org/10.1177/0954410016636155
Optimization for Order Batching Problem using Scheduling and Route Strategies
Vergara Flores, A., & Zuñiga Alcaraz, C. A. (2016). Optimization for Order Batching Problem using Scheduling and Route Strategies. Ingenierias, XIX(71), 24-38. https://ingenierias.uanl.mx/anteriores/71/index.html
Analyzing airport capacity by simulation
Zuniga Alcaraz, C., Mujica Mota, M., & Herrera García, A. (2016). Analyzing airport capacity by simulation: a Mexican case study. In A. Ochoa-Zezzatti, J. Sanchez , & M. G. Cedillo-Campos (Eds.), Handbook of research on military, aeronautical, and maritime logistics and operations (pp. 115-150). IGI Global Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-4666-9779-9.ch007
A Literature Review on the Pallet Loading Problem
Vargas-Osorio, S., & Zúñiga, C. (2016). A Literature Review on the Pallet Loading Problem: Una Revisión Literaria del Problema de Carga del Pallet. Lámpsakos, 2016(15), 69-80. https://doi.org/10.21501/21454086.1790
Aplicacióndeprogramaciónlinealparala asignación de horarios en una institución educativa mexicana
Canseco, D., Sanchez-Partida, D., Zuniga Alcaraz, C. A., & Olivares-Benitez, E. (2016). Aplicacióndeprogramaciónlinealparala asignación de horarios en una institución educativa mexicana. Revista de Ingeniería Industrial, 135.
Análisis estratégico sobre el desarrollo de las líneas aéreas de bajo costo en México
Canseco González, A. D., Zúñiga Alcaraz, C., & Blanco Martínez, L. (2015). Análisis estratégico sobre el desarrollo de las líneas aéreas de bajo costo en México. Nova Scientia, 7(15), 343-363. https://doi.org/10.21640/ns.v7i15.311
Allocation of airport check-in counters using a simulation-optimization approach
Mujica Mota, M., & Zuniga Alcaraz, C. (2015). Allocation of airport check-in counters using a simulation-optimization approach. In M. Mujica Mota, I. Flores de la Mota, & D. Guimarans Serrano (Eds.), Applied simulation and optimization: in logistics, industrial and aeronautical practice (pp. 203-229). Springer.
Aeropuerto Internacional De La Ciudad De México “Benito Juárez”: Revisión Histórica De Un Problema Recurrente De Saturación
Mendoza Dorantes, E. E., Zúñiga Alcaraz, C., & Martínez Flores, J. L. (2014). Aeropuerto Internacional De La Ciudad De México “Benito Juárez”: Revisión Histórica De Un Problema Recurrente De Saturación. Revista Investigación e Innovación en Ingeniería, 2(1), 6-16. https://doi.org/10.17081/invinno.2.1.2053
A CD&CR causal model based on path shortening/path stretching techniques
Zúñiga, C. A., Piera, M. A., Ruiz, S., & Del Pozo, I. (2013). A CD&CR causal model based on path shortening/path stretching techniques. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 33, 238-256. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2011.11.010
Integrating and sequencing flows in terminal maneuvering area by evolutionary algorithms
Zuniga Alcaraz, C. A., Delahaye, D., & Piera, M. A. (2011). Integrating and sequencing flows in terminal maneuvering area by evolutionary algorithms. 2A1-1. Paper presented at Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Seattle, United States.
Revisiting the pallet loading problem using a discrete event system approach to minimise logistic costs
Zuniga Alcaraz, C. A., Piera, M. A., & Narciso, M. (2010). Revisiting the pallet loading problem using a discrete event system approach to minimise logistic costs. International Journal of Production Research, 2243. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207541003702234