Centre for Economic Transformation| CET

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Erik Kostelijk has been at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) since 2012. Erik is Associate Professor Marketing at the Amsterdam School of International Business (AMSIB), and connected to the Centre of Market Insights of the AUAS... Currently, he is research leader in the RAAK project ‘Sustainably Sustainable’, aimed at professionalizing the sustainability policies of Dutch municipalities. He is also teaching in a number of programmes, among which the marketing major of AMSIB Erik has a wide international experience in countries such as France, Spain, Italy, China, and the USA. He was the Consumer Behaviour track chair at the 2022 Academy of Marketing Science conference at Monterey (California).

Erik has worked as project leader for research and as a professional trainer for research and consultancy agencies including Lexnova and the full-service online video agency Team5pm . He worked on a variety of projects for for-profit, non-profit and governmental organisations. A recent example is a project for Noordhoff Publishers, in which the future of the study book was analysed in the rapidly changing landscape of print, e-books, and audio-visual educational material. His experience as a professional trainer includes workshops on topics such as customer relationship management, client-based work processes, marketing, and branding. He published a number of marketing textbooks, among which Brand positioning, The influence of values on consumer behaviour, and Marketing analytics.

Erik holds a Master of Science in Economics, with a specialisation in Marketing and Marketing Research, which he obtained from the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in 1993. In September 2015, he finished his PhD study entitled “The Value Compass - A New and International Approach to Brand Value Measurement". The Value Compass model was developed in an extensive quantitative study of personal values and brand values in several countries (The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, UK and China). In this study, the preferences or the feelings of attachment or ‘love’ that consumers have for certain brands were analysed by looking at the values associated with these brands. By using psychological models on human value systems to describe the value proposition of brands, the Value Compass explains how brands can realise a strong and consistent brand image. Currently, he is extending this project into the creation of a Green Value Compass.

  • Kostelijk, E.J., Coelen, R., De Wit, H. (2015). The Development of International Competences by BBA IBMS Alumni: An Examination of the Match between Education and Professional Needs. Amsterdam: Centre for Applied Research on Economics & Management.
  • Kostelijk, E. J. & K.J. Alsem (2015). Doing Business in China, A Marketing Perspective. Groningen: Hanzehogeschool Groningen, Marklinq
  • Kostelijk, E. J. (2015 (expected)). The Value Compass (phd dissertation). Groningen.
  • Kostelijk, E. J. (2015). The importance of values to branding. Envision International Journal of Commerce & Management.
  • Kostelijk, E. J., Arbones Aran, N. V., De Wit, H., & Van Winden, W. (2014). Huisvestingsbehoeften van internationale studenten. Amsterdam: Centre for Applied Research on Economics & Management.
  • Alsem, K. J., & Kostelijk, E. J. (2013). De onderscheidendheid van merkwaarden in de zorg. Groningen: Hanzehogeschool Groningen, Marklinq.
  • Kostelijk, E. J., & Alsem, K. J. (2013). Toeristisch ondernemen in Noord-Nederland: Evaluatie van het toerisme-project VOTR2. Groningen: Hanzehogeschool Groningen, Marklinq.
  • Alsem, K.J. & E.J. Kostelijk (2013), Strategische Marketingplanning, Noordhoff Uitgevers, Groningen / Houten (Netherlands)
  • Alsem, K.J. & E.J. Kostelijk (2008), Identity based marketing, a new balanced marketing paradigm, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 42 (10), 907-914
  • Kostelijk, E.J., Regouin M. (2006-2007), Research Trilogy Internationalization of the Hanze University, Internal publication Hanze University: assessment of intercultural competences of Hanze University lecturers; Employability & Internationalization: Measurement of the added value of a study or internship abroad; Assessment of the contribution of the internationalization activities of the Hanze University to the economy in the Northern Netherlands.