Centre for Economic Transformation| CET
Publications CET
35 Results
Naar een raamwerk voor regeneratieve praktijken
1 January 2024 | Centre for Economic TransformationBedrijven die zich richten op ecologisch en sociaal herstel vinden het nog wel eens een uitdaging om hun regeneratieve praktijken goed te beschrijven. Met Wilder Land en Bamboo Import Europe hebben de auteurs een ...
What are regenerative business models?
21 June 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationResearch and practice show how regenerative business models contribute to restoration of the socio-ecological system, that human and natural aspects are at the core of their values and that co-evolution or ...
De relatie tussen de politieke voorkeur van Nederlanders en duurzaam leven
21 April 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationOp 22 april is het Earth Day, een dag waarop sinds 1970 wereldwijd aandacht wordt gevraagd voor milieubescherming en duurzaamheid. Een belangrijk thema, want de aarde staat onder druk door klimaatverandering en ...
Education for sustainability and the affective learning domain
1 February 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationEducation for sustainability scholarship argues that sustainability competence is more than cognitive domain learning that is traditionally (over) focused on reason, knowledge application and testing. Affective ...
Halfway there? SDG Barometer 2022 The Netherlands
1 January 2023 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThe Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are our plan for a futureproof world in which every person can live in peace and prosperity. The power of this vision is even more relevant today than it was when the Goals ...
What Doughnut Economics means for business
1 November 2022 | Centre for Economic TransformationThe 21st century’s rapidly compounding crises – from climate and ecological breakdown to extreme social inequities of power and opportunity – make it irrefutably clear that the global economic ...
Onderzoek: welke duurzame bedrijfsmodellen spreken Nederlanders aan?
10 October 2022 | Centre for Economic TransformationZowel consumenten als bedrijven krijgen steeds meer aandacht voor duurzaamheid, maar consumenten zijn tegelijk bang dat ‘duurzaam’ ook ‘te duur’ betekent. Voor welke vormen of bedrijfsmodellen ...
Leren over sociaal en duurzaam ondernemen op de basisschool
4 July 2022 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementWat zijn de effecten van een onderwijsprogramma over sociaal en duurzaam ondernemen voor kinderen op de basisschool? Rond deze hoofdvraag gingen Amsterdam Impact, Fawaka Ondernemersschool en de Hogeschool van ...
Resource Orchestration and Opportunity Beliefs in Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives for Sustainability
1 July 2022 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementOur world is increasingly faced with wicked environmental sustainability challenges, requiring entrepreneurs to work in multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) to address these challenges. Network orchestration is ...
Appropriating Relational Value from Collaborative Networks for Sustainability
13 June 2022 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementOur study elucidates relational value creation and appropriation in collaborative networks for sustainability (CNfS), which focus on grand societal challenges and include a multiplicity and diversity of actors.
Zorgen voor meer diversiteit in de organisatie
16 May 2022 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementDiversiteit is een feit in de samenleving. Veel organisaties besteden daarom aandacht aan diversiteit. In veel gevallen begint het met een stip op de horizon, wat veel organisaties goed lukt. Wat minder goed lukt, is ...
Open for Business: Pathways to strengthen CGIAR's responsible engagement with the private sector
1 April 2022 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementWe welcome the initiative of the Netherlands to highlight ideas to build on CGIAR’s successful engagement with the private sector. This special report brings a welcome new perspective to some of our past ...
Verantwoord ondernemen in e-commerce
25 March 2022 | Centre for Economic TransformationWat doen webwinkels vandaag de dag op het gebied van maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen? In hoeverre communiceren ze over die inspanningen richting klanten? En welke rol speelt duurzaamheid in het productaanbod ...
Appropriating Relational Value from Collaborative Networks for Sustainability
14 February 2022 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementOur study elucidates relational value creation and appropriation in collaborative networks for sustainability (CNfS), which focus on grand societal challenges and include a multiplicity and diversity of actors.
The campus as location for firms
1 January 2022 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementCampuses are increasingly positioning themselves as attractive locations for businesses. This research studies how this plays out in Amsterdam. We conclude that there is currently much fragmentation in efforts to ...
Developing smart city solutions using the Innovation Partnership method: how does it work? Lessons from Växjö
14 December 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThis article focuses on the innovation partnership (IP) model. This model opens new avenues for public bodies, including cities, to co-create solutions together with private companies or other innovators. It was ...
Achieving greater sustainability impact from cross-sector collaborations
1 December 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementTo tackle long term sustainability issues, such as poverty, climate change or biodiversity loss, requires multiple stakeholders in cross-sector partnerships (CSCs) to collectively align interests and act together.
Practical guidelines for designing recycling, collaborative, and scalable business models: A case study of reusing textile fibers into biocomposite products
10 October 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementOur current take-make-dispose economic model faces a vital challenge as it extracts resources from the natural environment at faster rates than that the natural environment can replenish. A circular economy where ...
Werken aan de infra van de toekomst
7 July 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementDe energietransitie zorgt op alle fronten voor beweging. Vanzelfsprekend wordt er dan allereerst gedacht aan de overgang naar groene energie in Nederland. Hiervoor zijn andere en/of nieuwe ondergrondse netwerken ...
Governing Collaborative Value Creation in the Context of Grand Challenges: A Case Study of a Cross-Sectoral Collaboration in the Textile Industry
1 May 2021 | Centre for Applied Research Economics and ManagementThe aim of this study is to understand how governance mechanisms in cross-sector collaborations (CSCs) for sustainability affect value creation and capture and subsequently the survival of this organizational form.