Erasmus Plus
REVALORISE+ is an Erasmus+ project led by the University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN) with the goal to develop a new generation of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) valorisation professionals who are empowered and enabled to use their research to impact society.

The REVALORISE+ team spans nine partners across seven European countries, among which the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS). The partnership includes a variety of institutions – Traditional Universities, Applied Sciences, Business Schools – and businesses to cover the range of skills needed for project delivery. Together they explore and address the specific SSH valorisation skills gaps of knowledge and researchers and technology transfer (KT/TT) professionals to develop SSH valorisation capabilities within universities.
Development of training programmes
During the project period, a European SSH Valorisation Training Programme will be developed for SSH valorization professionals and a REVALORISE+ HackTheResearch Valorisation Training Programme for researcher teams. Ultimately, the European SSH Valorisation Training Programme will upskill valorization professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver the REVALORISE+ HackTheResearch Valorisation Training Programme and train researcher teams.
The HackTheResearch Valorisation Training Programme will help PhD students, post-docs, associate professors or professors to develop their entrepreneurial skills and enhance the impact from their research. It will boost the commercial potential of their SSH research and help you to generate a final product to be valorised to the local/regional market.
Download the ReValorise Brochure
More about the project, team and training programmes

dr. I.A.M. Wakkee
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P. Wybenga
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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.