
Dr. Maarten Hogenstijn


Maarten Hogenstijn is senior researcher social entrepreneurship and has been working at AUAS since 2015. His research is on the development of social entrepreneurship in The Netherlands in general, which has resulted in the book ‘Sociaal ondernemerschap: grip op het begrip’ (2018). Specific research projects focus on the relations between social entrepreneurs and local authorities, ecosystem of social and impact entrepreneurship, Work Integration Social Enterprises and social entrepreneurship education.

Maarten is educated in human geography (Utrecht University, MA 2002, Ph.D. 2008) and as a journalist (postdoctoral degree, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2003). He specializes in qualitative research methods. He is in the core team of the Dutch national knowledge network on social entrepreneurship (KSON), member of the Review Board of the Code Social Enterprises and member of international research network EMES. He also works for Hanze UAS Groningen


Social entrepreneurship


Fawaka - impact-driven entrepreneurship education for children

Ondernemerschap vanuit Kwetsbare Arbeidsmarktposities

Ecosystem Impact Entrepreneurship Amsterdam

Tony's Chocolonely Teaching Case

Development Minor Entrepreneurship for Society

Kennisnetwerk Sociaal Ondernemerschap Nederland

Toekomstbestendig Sociaal Ondernemen


Co-coordinator of the minor program Entrepreneurship for Society


Scientific Publications

  • Hogenstijn, M. (2019). Developing dialogue bottom-up: social enterprises and local government in the Netherlands. In EMES Selected Conference Papers 2019 (pp. 1-18). [ESCP-7EMES-07] (EMES Selected Conference Papers). EMES Network. https://emes.net/publications/conference-papers/7th-emes-conference-selected-papers/developing-dialogue-bottom-up-social-enterprises-and-local-government-in-the-netherlands/
  • Abu Ghazaleh, N., Cremers, X., Hogenstijn, M., Sprenger, S., Trooster, H-J., & Koomen, M. (2019). Entrepreneurship for Society: developing a transdisciplinary minor program. Poster presented at Higher Education Conference 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Hogenstijn, M., Meerman, M., & Zinsmeister, J. (2018). Developing stereotypes to facilitate dialogue between social entrepreneurs and local government. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 7(3). https://pure.hva.nl/ws/portalfiles/portal/4431675/s13731_018_0084_5.pdf

Professional Publications

Visit Maarten's page on ResearchGate for more publications.


Social Enterprise World Forum – Policy Forum 2020 EMES International Research Network for Social Enterprise 2019


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Published by  Entrepreneurship 8 April 2024