Centre for Applied Research of the Faculty of Digital Media & Creative Industries
ir. S.M. Erwin (Stephanie) MLA
Stephanie Erwin is a Senior Researcher and Project Leader at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, specializing in the process-oriented aspects of climate resilience. She focuses on bridging the gap between theory and practice, helping cities address climate adaptation challenges with equitable, practical, and impactful solutions. Currently, her work emphasizes developing approaches to identify and address urban heat risks, ensuring that interventions are both equitable and effective.
Before transitioning to research, Stephanie worked for over a decade in professional practice as a consultant in landscape architecture and urban planning. Her experience includes developing municipal environmental visions, integrated landscape strategies, urban design frameworks, and detailed plans for public spaces. She specialized in climate-adaptive design, utilizing expertise in GIS, microclimate modeling, and public space planning to create solutions that balance sustainability and functionality. This extensive background ensures her research is grounded in practical, real-world applications and responds to the needs of practitioners and policymakers.
Stephanie actively engages with urban practitioners, facilitating knowledge exchange and fostering collaboration to advance climate resilience. She regularly presents at conferences and professional gatherings, sharing insights on heat stress, climate risk assessments, and strategies for equitable urban adaptation.
Stephanie holds a master’s degree in Landscape Architecture from the University of Minnesota, where she focused on public space design and climate adaptation, and a bachelor’s degree in Community and Regional Planning from Iowa State University, concentrating on sustainable development and geospatial analysis.
Cool Cities Interreg NSR Project Report
Erwin, S. M., Schramkó, S. K., Ouweneel, B. A., & Kluck, J. (2024). Cool Cities Interreg NSR Project Report: 25.10.2023 - 30.06.2024.
Hete Hangijzers
Corpel, LI., Kluck, J., Erwin, S., & Klok, L. (2024). Hete Hangijzers: vraagstukken rondom hitteproblematiek. Web publication or website, Rooilijn. https://www.rooilijn.nl/artikelen/hete-hangijzers/
Effectief Klimaatgroen
Kleerekoper, L., Erwin, S., Kluck, J., Hiemstra, J., van der Poel, J., Zhang , X., & Jalalifahim , M. (2024). Effectief Klimaatgroen. https://klimaatadaptatienederland.nl/hulpmiddelen/overzicht/effectief-klimaatgroen/
Klimaat Effect Atlas Buurtdashboard
Koekoek, A., Staal, D., Erwin, S. M., Brolsma, R., & Kluck, J. (2024). Klimaat Effect Atlas Buurtdashboard. Web publication or website, Stichting Climate Adaptation Services (CAS). https://www.klimaateffectatlas.nl/nl/buurtdashboard
Handreiking hitte in bestaande woningen 3.0
Kluck, J., de Groot, M., van der Strate, E., Snellen, B., Solcerova, A., Schoonderbeek, J., Erwin, S., Thoen, H., Tavenier, M., Nieuweboer, L., Jannink, B., & Zwakhals, L. (2023). Handreiking hitte in bestaande woningen 3.0. Nationaal Kennis- en innovatieprogramma Water en Klimaat.
Computer leert wijktypen bepalen voor heel Nederland
Kluck, J., Kleerekoper, L. A., Erwin, S., Corpel, L., Bons, P., Arif, Z., Geisler, L., Veenbos, K., & Koekoek, A. (2023). Computer leert wijktypen bepalen voor heel Nederland: een studie naar het inzetten van kunstmatige intelligentie voor het bepalen van wijktypen . Climate Adaptation Services.
Gezonde koele buitenruimte in dichtbevolkte wijken
Kramer, M., Ooms, M., Kerklingh, A., Erwin, S., Kleerekoper, L., Kluck, J., & Schoonderbeek, J. (2023). Gezonde koele buitenruimte in dichtbevolkte wijken: rapportage van het onderzoek naar richtlijnen voor een koelteplek. Platform31.
Review of the Nexus Framework on Neighborhood Resilience
Erwin, S., & Kluck, J. (2023). Review of the Nexus Framework on Neighborhood Resilience: Bridging human and other-than-human perspectives in urban design, from a Dutch urban climate adaptation perspective. In B. Boon, M. de Waal, & F. Suurenbroek (Eds.), Public Spaces and Urban Resilience: State of affairs in Dutch cities and exploring human and non-human perspectives (1.0 ed.). Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
A multi-level Thermal Comfort Assessment (TCA) to identify and mitigate heat stress risks in urban areas
Spanjar, G., Kluck, J., Erwin, S., Schramkó, S., Föllmi, D., & Bartlett, D. (2022). A multi-level Thermal Comfort Assessment (TCA) to identify and mitigate heat stress risks in urban areas. 800-801. Abstract from AESOP Annual Congress, Tartu, Estonia. https://aesop2022.eu/en/abstract-book/
Distance to cool spots, a practical design guideline for heat resilient urban areas
Kluck, J., Kleerekoper, L., Solcerova, A., Erwin, S., Klok, L., de Groot, M., & Koekoek, A. (2022). Distance to cool spots, a practical design guideline for heat resilient urban areas. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10358
Hittebestendig ontwerpen
Kleerekoper, L., & Erwin, S. (2021). Hittebestendig ontwerpen. Web publication or website, Rooilijn. https://www.rooilijn.nl/artikelen/hittebestendig-ontwerpen/
De hittebestendige stad: Coolkit
Kluck, J., Kleerekoper, L., Klok, L., Solcerova, A., Loeve, R., Erwin, S., Liu, C., Welter, N., Lopes, M., & Rajaei, S. (2020). De hittebestendige stad: Coolkit: toolkit voor ontwerpers van de buitenruimte. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Using the messiness - Identification and Prioritization of Heat Stress Mitigating Projects
Erwin, S. M., Kluck, J., & Föllmi, D. (2013). Using the messiness - Identification and Prioritization of Heat Stress Mitigating Projects. Abstract from AMS Scientific Conference '24, Amsterdam, Netherlands.