Dr L. Drupsteen-Sint (Linda)
Linda Drupsteen is a lecturer-researcher at the Research Group Entrepreneurship and at the Business Administration program at the University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam. She is in charge of practice-based research on impact entrepreneurship. Linda has a background in Psychology and has done research at TNO and at University of Applied Sciences Windesheim Almere on the design of organizations and working conditions (to work safely, work flexibly and work inclusively). She is interested in topics at the intersection of psychology and business administration, or in other words; people and organization.
At the AUAS, she focuses in particularly on organizations that contribute to a more sustainable world, for example by developing regenerative business models, through social entrepreneurship or with new models for collaborative impact. As topic leader of the 'Regenerative Business' theme, Linda researches businesses that not only want to prevent damage to nature and biodiversity, but also want to undo earlier damage by means of their business model.
Inclusive and sustainable businesses and entrepreneurship
10 Voorbeelden van Regeneratief Ondernemen
Maassen, T., Drupsteen, L., & van der Zwet, E. (2024). 10 Voorbeelden van Regeneratief Ondernemen: van schade minimaliseren naar herstel maximaliseren . Centre of Economic Transformation.
Exploring Characteristics of Regenerative Business Models through a Delphi-Inspired Approach
Drupsteen, L., & Wakkee, I. (2024). Exploring Characteristics of Regenerative Business Models through a Delphi-Inspired Approach. Sustainability, 16(7), Article 3062. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16073062
Exploring Regenerative Business Models
Wakkee, I., & Drupsteen, L. (2024). Exploring Regenerative Business Models: How frontrunners in entrepreneurship and business model innovation may contribute to economic transformation. (1 ed.) Centre of Economic Transformation. https://www.hva.nl/binaries/content/assets/subsites/cet/whitepaper---regenerative-business-models-2024.pdf?1708091266364
Naar een raamwerk voor regeneratieve praktijken
Cuypers, C., van der Zwet, E., Wakkee, I., van Hille, I., Lange, K., & Drupsteen-Sint, L. (2024). Naar een raamwerk voor regeneratieve praktijken. Holland Management Review, 41(209), 51-59. https://hmr.nl/artikel/naar-een-raamwerk-voor-regeneratieve-praktijken/
Tensions in Work Integration Social Enterprises in The Netherlands: balancing social and commercial goals in a multi-stakeholder context
Drupsteen-Sint, L., & Meerstra- de Haan, E. (Accepted/In press). Tensions in Work Integration Social Enterprises in The Netherlands: balancing social and commercial goals in a multi-stakeholder context. (Social Enterprise Journal). Social Enterprise Journal.
What are regenerative business models?
Drupsteen-Sint, L., & Wakkee, I. (2023). What are regenerative business models? Findings from an exploratory Delphi study. Abstract from 8th International Conference on New Business Models - Maastricht, Maastricht, Netherlands. https://pubpub.maastrichtuniversitypress.nl/pub/kn5dvodi
Toekomstbestendig Sociaal Ondernemen: Eindrapport
Drupsteen, L., 't Jong, M.-L., Loog, B., Bolland, A., Cuypers, C., & Drubbel, T. (2022). Toekomstbestendig Sociaal Ondernemen: Eindrapport: Een onderzoek naar balans bij tien sociale ondernemingen . https://www.windesheim.nl/onderzoekspublicaties/toekomstbestendig-sociaal-ondernemen-een-onderzoek-naar-balans-bij