Dr E.E. Hammelburg (Esther)
Esther Hammelburg is an expert on live experiences in hybrid events. In December she will defend her dissertation at the UvA entitled Being There Live: How Liveness is Realized Through Media Use at Contemporary Cultural Events. From her extensive fieldwork — speaking to 379 people and gathering large datasets from social media platforms — she shows how media use shapes the way we experience ‘being there live.’ Her book shows how physical and mediated environments are entwined in live event experiences. Esther is also a senior lecturer at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.
De rol van digitalisering in dood & afscheid
Hammelburg, E. (2024). De rol van digitalisering in dood & afscheid. Digital or Visual Products, Rathenau Instituut. https://youtu.be/s1K1yf1n1Uo?si=FutfOERy8YyLwxBI
Elevating the Antagonist Encounter
Geboers, M., & Hammelburg, E. E. (2024). Elevating the Antagonist Encounter: How the ‘Stitch’ Transforms Victimhood Contestation on TikTok. Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies. , 33(2), 143-158. https://doi.org/10.7311/0860-5734.33.2.08
Luisteren is een vorm van verzet
Hammelburg, E. E. (2024). Luisteren is een vorm van verzet. Web publication or website, Recast. https://digitalsocietyschool.org/insight/recast-29/
Kun jij een sok stoppen? Waarom repareren meer is dan een duurzaamheidstrend.
Hammelburg, E. E. (2024). Kun jij een sok stoppen? Waarom repareren meer is dan een duurzaamheidstrend.. Web publication or website, Recast. https://digitalsocietyschool.org/insight/recast-27/
War as a live event
Hammelburg, E. E., & Geboers, M. (2024). War as a live event: How liveness constructs various modes of involvement with current-day wars. Abstract from EASST-4S Conference 2024, Amsterdam. https://nomadit.co.uk/conference/easst-4s2024/p/14454
Moments to remember
Hammelburg, E. E. (2024). Moments to remember: The impact of mediated memory work on live event experiences. Memory, Mind & Media, 2024(3), 1-18. Article e26. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/memory-mind-and-media/article/moments-to-remember-the-impact-of-mediated-memory-work-on-live-event-experiences/446671FB40A79B4AF2B195AB5CD90BB1?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=bookmark
Screentime Airtime Facetime: Practicing Hybridity in the Cultural Field
Eckenhaussen, S. (Ed.), Milutinović, S. (Ed.), Valente Pinto, C. (Ed.), Balaguer, C., Boschat-Thorez, S., Dunnewind, A., Groothuizen, R., van der Kooij, H., Britton, R. L., Lovink, G., Molenda, A., Mansoux, A., Moubarak, K., Murtaugh, M., Osipian, M., Stolk, L., Arkenbout, C., Hammelburg, E., & Viader Guerrero, J. (2024). Screentime Airtime Facetime: Practicing Hybridity in the Cultural Field. Institute of Network Cultures. https://etherport.org/publications/inc/screentime-airtime-facetime/
Wat vertelt generatieve AI ons over creativiteit?
Hammelburg, E. (2023). Wat vertelt generatieve AI ons over creativiteit?. Web publication or website, Recast. https://digitalsocietyschool.org/insight/recast-18/
Understanding Hybrid Space: How Media Change Experiences of Being There
Hammelburg, E. (2023). Understanding Hybrid Space: How Media Change Experiences of Being There. Paper presented at The Synthetic City, Dublin, Ireland. https://syntheticcity2023.com/programme/
Object-based media: de toekomst van broadcasting?
Hammelburg, E. (2023). Object-based media: de toekomst van broadcasting?. Web publication or website, Recast. https://digitalsocietyschool.org/insight/recast-15/
Truly being there live
Hammelburg, E. E. (2023). Truly being there live: How festival-goers construct authenticity through their embodied visual practices. Paper presented at ICA 2023, Toronto, Canada.
Instagram’s shift towards live
Hammelburg, E. (2023). Instagram’s shift towards live: how stories and live videos shape how we experience being at events. Paper presented at AoIR 2022, Dublin, Ireland. https://spir.aoir.org/ojs/index.php/spir/article/view/13015
De metaverse – niet daar maar hier.
Hammelburg, E. E. (2023). De metaverse – niet daar maar hier.. Web publication or website, Design Digger.
Being There Live
Hammelburg, E. (2023). Being There Live: Witnessing & Belonging at Contemporary Media(tized) Events. Paper presented at The Legacies of Elihu Katz, Toronto, Canada.
Being there live
Hammelburg, E. (2021). Being there live: how liveness is realized through media use at contemporary cultural events. [Research HvA, graduation external, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculty of Humanities, Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis].
Er live bij zijn
Hammelburg, E. (2021). Er live bij zijn: hoe we live-events beleven met media. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Being There Live: An Ethnographic Approach for Studying Social Media Use in Mediatized Live Events
Hammelburg, E. (2021). Being There Live: An Ethnographic Approach for Studying Social Media Use in Mediatized Live Events. Social Media + Society, 7(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1177/2056305120984454
Live event-spaces
Hammelburg, E. (2021). Live event-spaces: Place and space in the mediatized experience of events. In N. van Es, S. Reijnders, L. Bolderman, & A. Waysdorf (Eds.), Locating Imagination in Popular Culture : Place, Tourism and Belonging (1st ed., pp. 215-229). (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies). Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/oa-edit/10.4324/9781003045359-17/live-event-spaces-esther-hammelburg?context=ubx&refId=b716d622-29cf-40fc-97a0-7d5163b41020
It's funny 'cause it's true
Hammelburg, E. (2020). It's funny 'cause it's true: zo kan de hoax de waarheid uitdrukken. Web publication or website, Brainwash. https://www.brainwash.nl/bijdrage/its-funny-cause-its-true-zo-kan-de-hoax-de-waarheid-uitdrukken
Being part of it: an ethnographic approach to the study of eventspheres
Hammelburg, E. E. (2019). Being part of it: an ethnographic approach to the study of eventspheres. Paper presented at AoIR flashpoint symposium Below the Radar, Urbino, Italy. https://aoir.org/aoirchive/aoirchive-symposia/
Hammelburg, E. E. (2018). #iVoted: hoe de ‘stemfie’ de verkiezingen deelbaar maakt. Web publication or website, Wetenschap.nu. https://wetenschap.nu/ivoted-hoe-de-stemfie-de-verkiezingen-deelbaar-maakt/
Living/re-living: nowness & memory in the mediated experience of events
Hammelburg, E. E. (2018). Living/re-living: nowness & memory in the mediated experience of events. Paper presented at Going Live, Montreal, Canada.
Studying liveness @OerolFestival2017
Hammelburg, E. E., Drakopulos, L., Benedetti, A., & Colombo, G. (2017). Studying liveness @OerolFestival2017: In: Get the picture: Digital methods for visual research. Digital methods summerschool 2017.. Web publication or website https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/InstagramLivenessOerolFestival
#stemfie: reconceptualising liveness in the era of social media
Hammelburg, E. (2015). #stemfie: reconceptualising liveness in the era of social media. Tijdschrift voor Mediageschiedenis, 18(1), 85-99.
Extending media literacy: a new direction for libraries
Nijboer, J., & Hammelburg, E. (2010). Extending media literacy: a new direction for libraries. New Library World, 111(1/2), 36-45. https://doi.org/10.1108/03074801011015676