Christianne de Poot has been Professor of Forensic Science at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) and the Police Academy since 2010. Her special research interests include the influence of social and technological developments on crime phenomena and on the investigation process. Her attention is also drawn to the role of human perception, interpretation, communication and decision-making in the processes of investigation, prosecution and trial.

De Poot received her PhD from the Free University of Amsterdam in 1996 for a study on leading questions in interrogation situations. Since then, she has conducted and supervised empirical and experimental research into criminal investigation processes, investigation methods, crime phenomena and evidence structures. She did so between 1997 and 2004 at the Netherlands Study Centre for Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR), and then at the Ministry of Justice's Scientific Research and Documentation Centre (WODC). At the WODC, she worked as a senior researcher until 2021.

Besides her AUAS professorial post, De Poot has been Professor of Criminology at the Free University Amsterdam since 2016. She is a Member of the Board of the Netherlands Register of Court Experts, the Advisory Board of Regieorgaan SIA (part of the NWO), the steering committee of the Co van Ledden Hulsebosch Center for Forensic Science and Medicine and the Advisory Board of the Master of Forensic Science, University of Amsterdam.