Tools, best practices and resources
We have developed tools to assess and steer competitive tensions and to monitor the value creation and capture in multi-stakeholder collaborations. Orchestrators or other professionals that manage multi-stakeholder collaborations can freely use these tools online or download them.
Creating and capturing value from collaborative networks for sustainability
The Collaborative Value Monitor is a deliverable from the research project Collaborative Networks for Sustainability. The tool can be used by network orchestrators to facilitate, monitor, and evaluate the value creation and capture of their networks. We are currently testing this tool. A description can be downloaded.
Collaborating with competitors
We developed a guide and assessment tool for collaborating with competitors for sustainability with Network for Business Sustainability. Download the resources below.
Manager’s Guide to Collaborating with Competitors for Sustainability
Assessment tool – how to collaborate with your competitors
Case Study – collaborating with competitors for sustainability
Sustainable Denim
Our work from the Alliance for Responsible Denim produced two resources that help denim buyers, product managers, and CSR managers work with their suppliers on making more sustainable denim products.
Denim Finishing, Wash Recipe Questionnaire
Created by Made-By, this questionnaire allows for the collection of wash recipe specifications in order to find areas of improvement - either through chemical and/or machinery adoption and water reduction. Please email if you would like to receive our interactive Excel version to send to suppliers.
Post-Consumer Recycled Denim
Created by Circle Economy, this is an overview of PCRD fabrics.