
4 Results

The Responsible IT Amsterdam Workshop (RITA) The researches software that is good for people, society and the planet. In the Workshop, a group of young researchers and students experiment with new, positive applications of AI.

RITA creates working AI prototypes for speculative products. These prototypes are designed and tested with people who will use the systems. All software produced is open-source, and available for anyone to use.

By making the prototypes, we gain insight into the knowledge and skills needed by future AI makers, who are trained at the HvA. The prototypes are also a starting point for discussion about the ethical dilemmas involved in designing and making AI.

Using creative research methods such as Critical Making and Research Through Design, the workshop conducts experiments and supports students, teachers and the researchers of the professorship. In doing so, RITA works closely with Amsterdam residents, companies, HvA courses and the City of Amsterdam.

The workshop is a client for students: in the academic year 22-23, more than 150 AUAS students delivered responsible software code under the guidance of the researchers.

The RITA Studio is a permanent part of the AUAS lectorate Responsible IT and the Responsible AI Lab. RITA is an experimental environment where software code is created.