Centre of Expertise Urban Vitality
dr. J.M. den Broeder (Lea)
Professor by special appointmentLea den Broeder (1958) studied Pedagogical Sciences at the University of Amsterdam and later obtained a Master of Public Health at the Netherlands School of Public Health. In 2017 she received her PhD from the Free University with the thesis Citizen Science in Public Health, Engaging Communities in Knowledge Development. She works at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and is seconded to the HvA one day a week as special lecturer Health and Environment.
For over 10 years, Lea has been working on integrated health policy and more specifically on the interaction between people and their environment, first at the Netherlands School of Public Health and later at the RIVM. Resident participation and Citizen Science are important elements in her research. In addition to working with residents, she collaborates with professionals in the neighbourhood, with the Municipal Health Service (GGD) and the municipality, and with researchers from other institutes. In recent years, she has conducted research into how the elderly experience and value their neighbourhood, into nudging to stimulate exercise and into the impact of activity trackers on the health awareness of young and less educated people. In the project Kijk! Een gezonde wijk, the focus was on the development, together with the residents, of an own neighbourhood app for Amsterdam-Slotermeer.
At the RIVM, Lea is project leader of the Volksgezondheid Toekomst Verkenning (Public Health Outlook), which will be published in 2024 (VTV-2024). Looking ahead is also central to her work in the field of Health Impact Assessment; in addition to methodology and instrument development, she has developed and implemented training and education in this field within and outside the Netherlands.
Lea plays an active role in international networks on Integrated Health Policy and Health Impact Assessment. She is co-founder of the Working Group Citizen Science for Health (CS4Health) of the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA). Lea is a board member of PHned, a network organisation of professionals in public health.
Citizen Science for Health: An International Survey on Its Characteristics and Enabling Factors
Remmers, G., Tzovaras, B. G., Albert, A., Van Laer, J., Wildevuur, S., De Groot, M., Broeder, L. D., Bonhoure, I., Magalhães, J., Assens, S. M., Torrents, E. G., Imre, B., & Covernton, E. (2024). Citizen Science for Health: An International Survey on Its Characteristics and Enabling Factors. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.5334/cstp.693
Experiences of resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study among high and low socio-economic status individuals in the Netherlands
Thompson, K., van der Kamp, D., Vader, S., Pijpker, R., den Broeder, L., & Wagemakers, A. (2023). Experiences of resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study among high and low socio-economic status individuals in the Netherlands. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 4, Article 100322. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmqr.2023.100322
Opgaven voor volksgezondheid en zorg op weg naar 2050
den Broeder, L., Couwenbergh, C., Hilderink, H., & Polder, J. (2023). Opgaven voor volksgezondheid en zorg op weg naar 2050: Vooruitblik Volksgezondheid Toekomstverkenning 2024. (RIVM rapport 2023-0408). Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu. https://doi.org/10.21945/RIVM-2023-0408
Why so far ahead?
Den Broeder, L., Couwenbergh, C., Baâdoudi, F., & Elberse, J. (2023). Why so far ahead? Climbing the participation ladder in public health foresight. European Journal of Public Health, 33(Supplement 2), ii667-ii668. Article ckad160.1674. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckad160.1674
Exploring experiences with stressors and coping resources among Dutch socioeconomic groups during the COVID-19 pandemic
van der Kamp, D., Torensma, M., Vader, S., Pijpker, R., den Broeder, L., Fransen, M. P., & Wagemakers, A. (2023). Exploring experiences with stressors and coping resources among Dutch socioeconomic groups during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Promotion International, 38(1), 1-12. Article daac198. https://doi.org/10.1093/heapro/daac198
Samen evalueren met de doelgroep
Huiberts, I., Pellegrom, S., Collard, D., Singh, A., van Hartingsveldt, M., & den Broeder, L. (2023). Samen evalueren met de doelgroep: lessen uit de ontwikkeling van een participatief evaluatie-instrument. TSG - Tijdschrift voor gezondheidswetenschappen, 101, 53-57. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12508-023-00378-x
Reducing meat consumption: The influence of life course transitions, barriers and enablers, and effective strategies according to young Dutch adults
van den Berg, S. W., van den Brink, A. C., Wagemakers, A., & den Broeder, L. (2022). Reducing meat consumption: The influence of life course transitions, barriers and enablers, and effective strategies according to young Dutch adults. Food Quality and Preference, 100, 1-14. Article 104623. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodqual.2022.104623
Op weg naar de VTV-2024
den Broeder, L., Heugens, E., Couwenbergh, C., van Bakel, M., Camps, J., Dekker, L., Hilderink, H., van der Lucht, F., Uiters, E., Spijkerman, A., Staatsen, B., & van Zoonen, K. (2022). Op weg naar de VTV-2024: definitierapport Volksgezondheid Toekomst Verkenning 2024. (RIVM official reports). Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu. https://doi.org/10.21945/RIVM-2022-0049
Gezondheid in het DNA van een wijk
Heijsman, A., Reuver, J., Koetsenruijter, R., & den Broeder, L. (2022). Gezondheid in het DNA van een wijk: gezondheid en gezonde leefomgeving als integraal ontwerpprincipe in gebiedsontwikkeling. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Urban Vitality.
Community engagement in deprived neighbourhoods during the COVID-19 crisis
den Broeder, L., South, J., Rothoff, A., Bagnall, A.-M., Azarhoosh, F., van der Linden, G., Bharadwa, M., & Wagemakers, A. (2022). Community engagement in deprived neighbourhoods during the COVID-19 crisis: perspectives for more resilient and healthier communities. Health Promotion International, 37(2). https://doi.org/10.1093/heapro/daab098
Facilitators and barriers of intersectoral co-operation to promote healthier and more environmentally friendly behaviour: a qualitative evaluation through focus groups for the INHERIT project
van der Vliet, N., den Broeder, L., Romeo-Velilla, M., Staatsen, B., Kruize, H., Friedrich, B., & Schuit, A. J. (2022). Facilitators and barriers of intersectoral co-operation to promote healthier and more environmentally friendly behaviour: a qualitative evaluation through focus groups for the INHERIT project. BMC Public Health, 22, Article 617. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-12974-8
Socioeconomic status and mental health during the COVID-19 crisis
Pijpker, R., van der Kamp, D., Vader, S., den Broeder, L., & Wagemakers, A. (2022). Socioeconomic status and mental health during the COVID-19 crisis: are sense of coherence, sense of community coherence and sense of national coherence predictors for mental health? Health Psychology Report, 10(2), 149-155. https://doi.org/10.5114/hpr.2022.114527
Adapting Citizen Science to Improve Health in an Occupational Setting: Preliminary Results of a Qualitative Study
van den Berge, M., Hulsegge, G., van der Molen, H. F., Proper, K. I., Pasman, H. R. W., den Broeder, L., Tamminga, S. J., Hulshof, C. T. J., & van der Beek, A. J. (2020). Adapting Citizen Science to Improve Health in an Occupational Setting: Preliminary Results of a Qualitative Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(14), Article 4917. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17144917
Intersectoral cooperation in 12 European case studies aiming for better health, environmental sustainability, and health equity protocol for a qualitative evaluation
van der Vliet, N., Den Broeder, L., Romeo-Velilla, M., Kruize, H., Staatsen, B., & Schuit, J. (2020). Intersectoral cooperation in 12 European case studies aiming for better health, environmental sustainability, and health equity protocol for a qualitative evaluation. JMIR Research Protocols, 9(6), Article e17323. https://doi.org/10.2196/17323
Burgerwetenschap: hoe cijfers en beleving elkaar kunnen aanvullen
Elberse, J., & den Broeder, L. (2020). Burgerwetenschap: hoe cijfers en beleving elkaar kunnen aanvullen: Meten én meedenken. Stadswerk Magazine, 2020, 10-11.
Beter in het Bajes Kwartier.
Wichers, F., Langkamp, W., van der Steen, A., van den Hende, H., Wiersema, D., & den Broeder, L. (2019). Beter in het Bajes Kwartier. health impact assessment van het Bajes Kwartier, Amsterdam. Hogeschool van Amsterdam. https://www.hva.nl/binaries/content/assets/subsites/urban-vitality/rapporten/rapport-hia_def_23jan.pdf?1581090056994
Eindrapportage evaluatie levensloopbestendige route in drie gebieden
Rijkers-de Boer, C., van Moorselaar, I., Maas, J., van Nes, F., & den Broeder, L. (2019). Eindrapportage evaluatie levensloopbestendige route in drie gebieden: Kortvoort, Indische Buurt, Buitenveldert. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Urban Vitality.
Verschillende bronnen, één mozaïek
van Bon, M., Lempens, A., Nuijen, J., Planije, M., van Dick, G., Tromp, E., Jongeneel, M., Raaijmakers, L., Rombouts, M., Beeksma, H., van Boven, P.-F., van der Veen, A., van den Berg, M., den Broeder, L., van Oers, H., Post, N., Spijkerman, A., Verweij, A., & Weda, M. (2019). Verschillende bronnen, één mozaïek: Eindverslag van het project 'Regionale pilots monitor personen met verward gedrag in Utrecht en West-Brabant'. Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu. https://www.rivm.nl/documenten/verschillende-bronnen-mozaiek-eindverslag-van-project-regionale-pilots-monitor-personen
Burgerwetenschap is nuttig, maar niet gratis
den Broeder, L. (2019). Burgerwetenschap is nuttig, maar niet gratis. Web publication or website, Sociale Vraagstukken. https://www.socialevraagstukken.nl/burgerwetenschap-is-nuttig-maar-niet-gratis/
Als je maar gezond bent...
den Broeder, L. (2018). Als je maar gezond bent... bewoners en buurten in beweging. HVA Publicaties.
Nudging ter bevordering van traplopen in een Amsterdamse wijk
den Broeder, L., Mandemakers, L., & van der Lelij, E. (2018). Nudging ter bevordering van traplopen in een Amsterdamse wijk: percepties van bewoners. TSG - Tijdschrift voor gezondheidswetenschappen, 96(6), 248-254. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12508-018-0165-7
Alternatieve feiten: ja, graag?
den Broeder, L. (2018, May 31). Alternatieve feiten: ja, graag? De wereld van de Citizen Scientist. Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu.
Kijk! een gezonde wijk
de Zeeuw, A., & den Broeder, L. (2018). Kijk! een gezonde wijk: eindrapportage voor HvA Urban Management. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Urban Management.
Sportas: vitaal en zichtbaar
Deutekom, M., Nibbeling, N., Brons, A. E., Kröse, B. J. A., van der Bie, J. H. F., Overdevest, E. J., & den Broeder, L. (2018). Sportas: vitaal en zichtbaar: naar een gezonde leefstijl in een stimulerende omgeving. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Kenniscentrum Bewegen, Sport en Voeding.
Visie van professionals
Verdonschot, A., Wagemakers, A., & den Broeder, L. (2018). Visie van professionals: burgerparticipatie binnen Health Impact Assessment. TSG - Tijdschrift voor gezondheidswetenschappen, 96(3-4), 159-165. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12508-018-0138-x
Can citizen science make us healthier?
den Broeder, L. (2017). Can citizen science make us healthier?. Digital or Visual Products, CitizenScience.org. http://citizenscience.org/2017/12/07/can-citizen-science-make-us-healthier/
Public health citizen science
den Broeder, L., Lemmens, L., Uysal, S., Kauw, K., Weekenborg, J., Schönenberger, M., Klooster-Kwakkelstein, S., Schoenmakers, M., Scharwächter, W., van de Weerd, A., El Baouchi, S., Schuit, A. J., & Wagemakers, A. (2017). Public health citizen science: perceived impacts on citizen scientists: a case study in a low-income neighbourhood in the Netherlands. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 2(1), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.5334/cstp.89
Positieve Gezondheid in de buurt
den Broeder, L., Overdevest, E., & Flinterman, F. (2017). Positieve Gezondheid in de buurt: Stap voor stap naar een integrale buurtaanpak. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Burgerwetenschap voor gezondheid
den Broeder, L. (2017, Sept 26). Burgerwetenschap voor gezondheid: De buurt doet mee! Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. https://www.rivm.nl/nieuws/burgerwetenschap-in-publieke-gezondheid-veelbelovend
Community participation in Health Impact Assessment. A scoping review of the literature
den Broeder, L., Uiters, E., ten Have, W., Wagemakers, A., & Schuit, A. J. (2017). Community participation in Health Impact Assessment. A scoping review of the literature. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 66, 33-42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eiar.2017.06.004
Local professionals' perceptions of health assets in a low-SES Dutch neighbourhood
Den Broeder, L., Uiters, E., Hofland, A., Wagemakers, A., & Schuit, A. J. (2017). Local professionals' perceptions of health assets in a low-SES Dutch neighbourhood: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health, 18(1), 12. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-017-4555-6
Citizen Science en gezondheid: Nut en noodzaak van citizen science
den Broeder, L., Volten, H., & Nanninga, M. (2017). Citizen Science en gezondheid: Nut en noodzaak van citizen science. Paper presented at Nationale Milieudag: Citizen Science en gezondheid, Amsterdam, Netherlands. https://www.vvm.info/nationalemilieudag2017/deelsessies?utm_source=VVM&utm_medium=terugblik
Resident participation in neighbourhood audit tools
Hofland, A. C. L., Devilee, J., van Kempen, E., & den Broeder, L. (2017). Resident participation in neighbourhood audit tools: a scoping review. European Journal of Public Health. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckx075
Citizen Science For Health In All Policies
den Broeder, L. (2017). Citizen Science For Health In All Policies: Engaging communities in knowledge development. [Research HvA, graduation external, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam]. Ridderprint. https://www.publicatie-online.nl/publicaties/l-den-broeder/
Citizen Science in the Public Health field – win some, lose some
den Broeder, L. (2017). Citizen Science in the Public Health field – win some, lose some. EuroHealthNet Magazine, 2017(10). http://www.eurohealthnet-magazine.eu/ehn-magazine-10/citizen-science-in-the-public-health-field-win-some-lose-some/
Kijk! Een gezonde wijk (App)
den Broeder, L., van Kempen, E., Kauw, K., Meys, W., Groen, M., Wichers, F., Hofland, A., el Aslouni, A., Schönenberger, M., van den Berg, F., Glastra van Loon, D., Holstein, A. N., Cila, N., Overmars, D., & van Diem, F. (2017). Kijk! Een gezonde wijk (App). Software, Hogeschool van Amsterdam. http://www.kijkeengezondewijk.nl/#/
Handreiking bewonersparticipatie bij de inrichting van een gezonde leefomgeving
Fast, T., & den Broeder, L. (2016). Handreiking bewonersparticipatie bij de inrichting van een gezonde leefomgeving. Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu.
Citizen Science for public health.
den Broeder, L., Devilee, J., van Oers, H., Schuit, J., & Wagemakers, A. (2016). Citizen Science for public health. Health Promotion International, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1093/heapro/daw086
Look! A healthy neighborhood: Means to motivate participants in using an app for monitoring community health
Cila, N., Jansen, G., den Broeder, J. M., Groen, M., Meys, W., den Broeder, L., & Kröse, B. (2016). Look! A healthy neighborhood: Means to motivate participants in using an app for monitoring community health: Casy Study: Activities and Health. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 889-898). Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/2851581.2851591
den Broeder, L., & Overdevest, E. (2016). Move(F)It. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Urban Vitality.
Sporen en sensoren
den Broeder, L., van der Leij, E., & Mandemakers, L. (2016). Sporen en sensoren: Effectiviteit van nudging. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Vitaal ouder worden in de stad Amsterdam
Overdevest, E., Weijs, P., van Moorselaar, I., & den Broeder, L. (2016). Vitaal ouder worden in de stad Amsterdam: hoe beleven ouderen hun leefomgeving? Vrijetijd Studies, 2016(3), 51-64.
VOS - Vitaal ouder worden in een stedelijke context
den Broeder, L., & Weijs, P. (2016). VOS - Vitaal ouder worden in een stedelijke context. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
We are all experts! Does stakeholder engagement in health impact scoping lead to consensus? A Dutch case study
den Broeder, L., Chung, K. Y., Geelen, L., Scholtes, M., Schuit, A. J., & Wagemakers, A. (2016). We are all experts! Does stakeholder engagement in health impact scoping lead to consensus? A Dutch case study. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 34(4), 294-305. https://doi.org/10.1080/14615517.2016.1176413
Erratum: Health in all policies? The case of policies to promote bicycle use in the Netherlands
Broeder, L. D., Scheepers, E., Wendel-Vos, W., & Schuit, J. (2015). Erratum: Health in all policies? The case of policies to promote bicycle use in the Netherlands. Journal of Public Health Policy, 36(3), 375-379. https://doi.org/10.1057/jphp.2015.20
The relevance of work-related learning for vulnerable groups.
Storm, I., Uiters, E., Busch, M. C. M., den Broeder, L., & Schuit, A. J. (2015). The relevance of work-related learning for vulnerable groups. Dutch case study of a Health Impact Assessment with equity focus. Health Policy, 119(7), 915-924. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthpol.2015.03.011
Health in all policies?
den Broeder, L., Scheepers, E., Wendel-Vos, W., & Schut, J. (2015). Health in all policies? the case of policies to promote bicycle use in the Netherlands. Journal of Public Health Policy, 194-211. https://doi.org/10.1057/jphp.2014.55
Shifting from car to active transport
Scheepers, C. E., Wendel-Vos, G. C. W., den Broeder, J. M., van Kempen, E. E. M. M., van Wesemael, P. J. V., & Schuit, A. J. (2014). Shifting from car to active transport: a systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 70, 264-280. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2014.10.015
'Gouden tips' voor het versterken van de bekendheid van de paradigma’s binnen de bedrijfsgezondheidszorg
Proper, K., den Broeder, L., Heimeriks, K., Anema, H., & Sitters, I. (2014). 'Gouden tips' voor het versterken van de bekendheid van de paradigma’s binnen de bedrijfsgezondheidszorg. Tijdschrift voor bedrijfs- en Verzekeringskunde, 22(6), 248-255. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12498-014-0112-8
Health in SIA
den Broeder, L., & Vanclay, F. (2014). Health in SIA. In R. Fehr, F. Viliani, J. Nowacki, & M. Martuzzi (Eds.), Health in Impact Assessments: Opportunities not to be missed (pp. 69-88). WHO Regional Office for Europe. http://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/environment-and-health/health-impact-assessment/publications/2014/health-in-impact-assessments-opportunities-not-to-be-missed
Health in SIA [social impact assessment]
Broeder, L. D., & Vanclay, F. (2014). Health in SIA [social impact assessment]. In R. Fehr, F. Viliani, J. Nowacki, & M. Martuzzi (Eds.), Health in Impact Assessments : Opportunities not to be missed (pp. 69-88). World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe.
Module B: Health in Strategic Environmental Assessment.
Broeder, L. D. (2012). Module B: Health in Strategic Environmental Assessment. An intersectoral training package for environment and health experts. (ONBEKEND). http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/195238/An-intersectoral-training-package-for-environment-and-health-experts-final.pdf
Development of health impact assessment in the Netherlands
den Broeder, L., & Staatsen, B. (2012). Development of health impact assessment in the Netherlands. In J. Kemm (Ed.), Health impact assessment: past achievement, current understanding, and future progress (pp. 141-149). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199656011.003.0015
Emphasising enhancement in all forms of impact assessment: introduction to a special issue
João, E., Vanclay, F., & den Broeder, L. (2011). Emphasising enhancement in all forms of impact assessment: introduction to a special issue: introduction to a special issue. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 29(3), 170-180. https://doi.org/10.3152/146155111X12959673796326
- LION: een leefstijlinterventie voor ouderen in de wijk
- PREVENT Integrale wijkgerichte preventie
- Gezond ouder worden in de wijk
- Top-up: Kijk! Een gezonde wijk
- Evaluatie Levensloopbestendige routes
- Bajeskwartier
- Move(F)it NXT
- Positieve Gezondheid in de Wijk
- Sporen en Sensoren
- VOS: Vitaal ouder worden in een stedelijke context
- Exploring "Citizen Science" Approaches