Centre of Applied Research Technology

DNA by the numbers

locations of useable DNA based on 24,466 crime scene samples.


Nowadays increasing numbers of evidentiary traces are collected at crime scenes and submitted for DNA analysis at the forensic laboratories. However, almost 50% of the analyzed DNA samples do not result in valuable DNA typing information (1) and a few studies show that the possibility to actually obtain usable DNA profiles can depend on the trace type (2,3). Evaluating the DNA results obtained for various sampled traces can provide us information on which traces are most promising to select for DNA analysis. Such information can guide crime scene investigators in decision-making.

Reference Mapes, A. A. (2015). DNA by the numbers: locations of useable DNA based on 24,466 crime scene samples. Forensic Magazine, 12(5), 8-9.
1 October 2015

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