Corporate Governance & Leadership
About the research group
The Corporate Governance & Leadership research group at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences is an authority in the field of research and training for (future) professionals in finance and accounting. The research group examines the field of finance & accounting from the perspective of ‘integrated finance’ and the ‘theory of practice’.
Reflection as an Essential Quality
Within this perspective, an important quality of a professional is their ability to apply knowledge by reflecting on the circumstances in which that knowledge is needed. Not only does this enable the application of models, but it also allows for the development and adjustment of new models if one can reflect on professional practice. Based on this insight, a professional can relate different models and tools to one another, thereby serving the organisation's goals.

Balance Between Knowledge and Application
At present, knowledge is a dominant factor within finance and accounting. There is little focus on the application of knowledge, reflection by professionals, and social and ethical issues. The researchers and lecturers link finance and accounting knowledge to its application and the processes (routines) that take place within organisations.
Sustainable Economic Development
In this approach, they build on the ideas of John Dewey and Donald Schön. This approach allows the research group to contribute to the practice of 'integrated finance and accounting' and the development of practices that serve sustainable economic development.