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Research group

Network Cultures

About the research group Network Cultures

The Network Cultures research group analyzes and shapes the field of network and digital cultures through events, publications, and online dialogue. Our projects focus on urgent publishing, alternative business models, critical design, digital countercultures, tactical media, and visual and video culture. The research group was founded in 2004 by Geert Lovink.

With a strong emphasis on the transdisciplinary nature of new media and the DIY and open-source components, the research group explores the artistic, political, and technical aspects of the internet and other emerging media.

Our research spans design, activism, art, philosophy, political theory, and urban studies, extending beyond just the internet. We believe that the internet can only be fully understood when these diverse disciplines and research perspectives intersect.

Shaping the Network Cultures Research Group

We have built a vast network of international researchers, providing them with a platform to publish their work. In return, they help shape the research group, both theoretically and practically. The Network Cultures research group thrives when addressing urgent topics within sustainable, self-organizing networks such as Video Vortex, MoneyLab, and Urgent Publishing.

We bring together researchers, artists, designers, programmers, and activists to collaborate, plan, organize, and advocate for technical and cultural alternatives. We employ diverse methods, resulting in a wide range of outputs—from theoretical research to design prints, physical books, ePubs, experimental publishing tools, and video essays.

More information about this research group can be found at networkcultures.org.