25 years of OT-EuroMaster
and always going strong!
The European MSc in Occupational therapy started with it’s first cohort in 1999. Ever since, it has never stopped developing, while all at the same time keeping all the strong, inspiring elements and overcoming financial and organizational challenges.
It’s construction as one programme offered by a partnership of five institutions in five different countries who work together as one team, is unique. The programme has proved it’s excellent quality over all those years, which was confirmed in all the reaccreditations and by receiving the Certificate of Excellence for Quality in Programme Internationalisation several times (last time in 2023). We will celebrate this achievement on several occasions, for example at the get together during the OT-Europe Conference in Krakow in October, but also during Graduation Day on September 19. We will celebrate our next generation of graduates in Brighton. An excellent opportunity to listen into their thesis projects. Register here.