Faculty of Health establishes student research ethics committee
The Faculty of Health (FH) has established a student research ethics committee (ECSO-FG) in response to the need for ethical review of the work of international Master’s students.

The Faculty of Health (FH) has established a student research ethics committee (ECSO-FG) in response to the need for ethical review of the work of international Master’s students, many of whom were unable to submit their work for ethical review in their home countries. Although the committee was set up to help international students, it will also assess the applications for ethical review of the research submitted by Dutch Master’s students.
Debbie Kramer-Roy, head of education of the European Occupational Therapy Master’s programme, and Margriet van Iersel, programme coordinator of the Mental Health Nursing (GGZ‑Verpleegkunde) Master’s programme, set up the ECSO‑FG with the help of AUAS colleagues. Many areas on which the ECSO‑FG advises are not specifically medical but may also be relevant for other faculties, because all AUAS researchers are expected to treat the people who are research subjects with care, keep them well informed, guarantee their privacy and handle their data confidentially.
Lecturers who supervise student research provide their students with advice on how to conduct their research responsibly. The AUAS lecturer's guide to the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity provides guidance in this for all degree programme staff, exam boards and graduation committees.
If you have any questions about research ethics, the committee can be contacted by email at ecso‑fg@hva.nl.
The committee’s founders Debbie Kramer-Roy and Margriet van Iersel talk about the committee in this Dutch-language interview.
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