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Study load

At the European Master of Science in Occupational Therapy you follow a mixture of self-study time at home and classwork on site and a varied study programme of lectures, project and study support. You will also work alone or with fellow students on projects, assignments and research.

In all the modules, some online sessions will be planned during self study time in order to support you in your learning process. The total study load is 2520 hours leading to 90 ECTS credits. It is a postgraduate 2-year, part time programme. Many students do work parallel to studying; most of them between 50-70% (2,5 to 3.5 days per week). 

Study load and structure modules 1-4

Modules 1 to 4 take place in the first academic year and all have the same structure: 

  • 56 hours over 2 weeks of self study time at home with preparatory work tasks 

  • 80 hours over 2 weeks of highly intensive classwork on site at one of the partner universities 

  • 200 hours over 8 weeks of self study time working on the module assignment 

Study load and structure module 5 and 6

In module 5, you will spend one week at one of the partner universities and module 6 takes place entirely in your home country.  

  • Module 5 preparatory work and drafting assignment: ca 272 hours over 10 weeks 

  • Module 5 class work with examination: 36 hours (one week), at hosting institution 

  • One more week to finalise the assignment: 28 hours 

In module 6, you work on your thesis project and your Master thesis. The overall workload for module 6 is approximately 840 hours.


  • Modules 1 to 5 all lead to 12 ECTS credits each

  • Module 6 (thesis) consists of 30 ECTS credits