Working while studying
If you plan to work while you study, certain regulations apply. On this page you'll see what you need to take care of.

Studying and working
When you come to the Netherlands and start to work alongside your studies certain rules and regulations apply. For example the number of hours you are allowed to work might be restricted. It is important to be aware of the regulations so please read them carefully. These rules are based on your nationality.
Students from the EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein or Switzerland
If you are from the EU/EEA or Switzerland you are free to work without restrictions. You do not need a work permit and there are no restrictions regarding working hours. However, if you work alongside your studies you may need to take out Health insurance from a Dutch provider. The costs of this may make it less beneficial for you to work.
Students with all other nationalities
Because you have or need a residence permit to study in the Netherlands certain rules and regulations apply. Depending on the type of work you will do the number of hours you are allowed to work might be restricted. If you work with a company you will also need a work permit. It is important to be aware of the regulations because otherwise you are in violation of your residence permit. This can cause certain negative consequences for you (and your employer).