Centre for Economic Transformation| CET

East meets West

The influence of national and organizational cultural context on supervisor evaluations of employee voice behaviour


‘With faster pace of change and more need for innovation, companies expect employees to be proactive. (Bolino et al., 2010; Bindl and Parker, 2010). This research will focus on supervisor perspective despite the self-originating nature of proactive behaviour (originating from the employee).

The notion that proactive behaviour is desirable has resulted in a big stream of academic research into the benefits of such behaviour. However, aside from the benefits of improved organizational performance and innovation, proactive behaviour also has negative outcomes and is not always desirable.

In order to focus the research, voice has been chosen as a specific proactive behaviour. Voice behaviour is proactive behaviour focused on “problems and challenging others to create positive change” (Seibert et al., 2001). Voice is one of the most controversial behaviours not only in the organization but also from a Western and Eastern European perspective. This research will focus on supervisor perspective despite the self-originating nature of proactive behaviour (originating from the employee).

PhD supervisor: prof. dr. D. den Hartog, UvA

Expected conclusion: Spring 2018

Project Info

Start date 01 Feb 2014
End date 01 Feb 2018


Maryna Rusthoven
PhD fellow supervisor Martha Meerman