Developing SKILLS & COMPETENCES Resulting in Employability through Sport
ProjectThe SCORES project (Developing SKILLS & COMPENTENCES RESTULTING in EMPLOYABILITY THROUGH SPORT) is an exciting new initiative within the field of Dual Careers (DC) of athletes, tackling employability and supporting services for young athletes seeking careers outside the sport field.
It brings together stakeholders from five EU countries – Spain, Netherlands, Finland, Italy and (TBC) - with an interest in raising awareness and improving young athletes support in their life and career during and after sport. In particular, it connects sport organisations from CNB (Sp), SCC (Sp) and TSA (Fi), the city of Modena (It) and its sport associations, and academic experts from AUAS (Nl).
The specific objectives of the SCORES project are:
- To identify values, competences and skills embedded in sport disciplines, whether individual or team-based, and identify employers interested in those;
- To develop a pilot programme to improve and exploit athletes’ skills for better employability, using a holistic approach which includes the validation of non-formal and informal learning gained in and through sport;
- To boost the capacity of the coaches/mentors/trainers and other sport technical staff in favour of the professional development of the athletes;
- To activate and promote a network of sport and labour organisations, education centres, as well as other key stakeholders, to share knowledge and best practices in promoting athletes’ future job career.
The first phase of this project is focused on desk study and investigation, and is lead by an expert in Dual Careers from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS). He will involve the clubs and sport organisations' stakeholders in the research, which is based on group consultations (e.g. with sportsmen/women and coaches), interviews and surveys.
The idea is to deliver a method that outlines how sport organisations and clubs can work to improve athletes' competences and skills relevant for their future employability. This work will help designing the pilot phase, in which clubs and sport organisations have a major role. The pilot starts with training for coachers/trainers to transfer the SCORES method, and is facilitated by AUAS, and organised within the clubs. The pilot shall last around 15 months (a season and a half, including the training for coachers/trainers) and the clubs shall make sure that the method is rolled out (engaging trainers/coaches and sportsmen/women) and shall collaborate in the evaluation of the method. The evaluation will be led again by the academic partner, AUAS.
There are in addition other activities seeking replicability, involving partners in transnational seminars and workshops, and communication and dissemination.
Expected results
To this end, the partnership will closely collaborate to deliver a Matrix of values, skills and competences identified and recognised in the practice of sport, produce a report on Job placement opportunities for athletes, facilitate training to sport trainers/coaches/mentors, set up a MOOC platform to take advantage of e-learning technologies for a highly replicable and inclusive education for all key stakeholders, test the implementation of a non-formal and informal learning certification for athletes as well as other athletes, undertake permanent monitoring and evaluation, and promote an Observatory of ‘’Sport-Knowledge-Business’’ for dissemination purposes, amongst other. These activities will be consolidated in 4 Intellectual Outputs, disseminated widely through Multiplier Sport Events and other project communication channels.
- Club Natacio Banyoles (Spain)
- Associació SantCugatCreix (Spain)
- Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Nehterlands)
- Comune di Modena (Italy)
- Tampere Sports Academy (Finland)
- EPSI (Belgium)
- Levski Sofia
- ESADE (Spain)