A Coruna, Spain – In a step towards integrating technology like AI in academic studies, the European Master of Science in Occupational Therapy team organized a workshop titled “AI Supported Literature Search” this June.
OT-Euromaster Hosts AI Workshop for students and staffThe National Student Survey of 2024 for the OT-Euromaster highlighted several positive aspects.
Positive Trends in the National Student Survey 2024On 22nd March OT EuroMaster student Teddy Meijboom and Director Education represented the programme at the Ergotherapie Congres in the Netherlands.
OT-Euromaster at Ergotherapie Congres NLOn 9 March, the Choice Guide Masters 2023 was published. In this guide, 14 masters of the AUAS are assessed. Once again, the master in Occupational Therapy and the master in Social Work were featured prominently. This year, the master in Dutch teacher can be added to this list.
Choice Guide Masters 2023The AUAS programme European Master of Science in Occupational Therapy was awarded the Certificate of Excellence for Quality in Programme Internationalisation (CeQuInt).
International Stamp of ApprovalMichelle Berger, alumni of the OT-Euromaster, has won the Article Impact Award of the Journal of Occupational Science. Together with her co-authors, Eric Asaba, Mandana Fallahpourm and Lisette Farias, she received this great news by the end of August.
Alumni wins Article Impact AwardHannah Dubowy and her fellow students experienced the first module of the OT-Euromaster at the University of A Coruña. In this article, she reports on how much she enjoyed the 2 weeks on the Atlantic coast and the Spanish team's teaching.
Student Hannah's experience of Module 4 in SpainFor the re-accreditation, the module coordinators of the different universities within the consortium, all united at Hogeschool van Amsterdam for interviews.
Re-accreditation OT-EuromasterOT-Euromasters Director of Education, Debbie Kramer-Roy, was selected to give the Hanneke van Bruggen lecture on the 2022 ENOTHE Conference on the 16th of October in Tbilisi, Georgia. Debbie spoke about the transitions within the profession of occupational therapy.
Dr Debbie Kramer-Roys Keynote on ENOTHE 2022The Galician university replaces University College Absalon in Næstved, Denmark, which is leaving the programme consortium after 23 very productive years.
Spanish University becomes partner within the OT-EuroMaster consortiumThe Faculty of Health (FH) has established a student research ethics committee (ECSO-FG) in response to the need for ethical review of the work of international Master’s students, many of whom were unable to submit their work for ethical review in their home countries. Although the committee was set up to help international students, it will also assess the applications for ethical review of the research submitted by Dutch Master’s students.
Faculty of Health establishes student research ethics committee